Dr. Kate Baldwin, M.D. F.A.C.S. delivered a paper at the clinical meeting of the Section on Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, and the abstract was printed in the Atlantic Medical Journal of April 1927, stating, “…For about six years I have given close attention to the action of colors in restoring the body functions, and I am perfectly honest in saying that, after nearly thirty-seven years of active hospital and private practice in medicine and surgery, I can produce quicker and more accurate results with colors than will all other methods combined – AND WITH LESS STRAIN ON THE PATIENT. (Caps are mine.)
In some previous posts I’ve shared information regarding the use of color for health and well-being. I would like to share more information from various sources regarding the use of light and color.
Dr. Kate Baldwin, M.D. F.A.C.S. delivered a paper at the clinical meeting of the Section on Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, and the abstract was printed in the Atlantic Medical Journal of April 1927, stating, “…For about six years I have given close attention to the action of colors in restoring the body functions, and I am perfectly honest in saying that, after nearly thirty-seven years of active hospital and private practice in medicine and surgery, I can produce quicker and more accurate results with colors than will all other methods combined – AND WITH LESS STRAIN ON THE PATIENT. (Caps are mine.)
Having an approach of being thankful and grateful for all things that come to you, can be one of the best approaches to being healthy.
The American Indian realized that nothing in the world is free. If an animal must be hunted, or wool taken from an animal or even water used from a stream in order to live, none of these actions was performed with indifference. The concept was that you owe something for everything that you take or are given. When any action is taken, thanks is given to the spirit of life that attends that action. Thanking the sheep for the wool it is providing, explaining to the spirit of the animals that it is nothing personal but food is needed to survive and it is not in sport that a life is taken, is an important philosophy.
Thoughts are very real things and have as much of an identity as any other matter that is visible to the naked eye.
P.P. Quimby (1802-1866) stated that “ideas contain life and may be transmitted to another intentionally or unintentionally. It these ideas contain seeds of fear, they agitate the mind, disturb the senses and produce chemical changes in the fluids of the human system.” Quimby, who was the father of the New Thought Movement in the United States, shared that when you believe something,you make it your own. If someone tells you something and you believe what the person is saying, you create within your own mind that thing that is being explained. Once it exists in your mind you are either in it or outside of it. I recently did two television shows with Regina Meredith for Gaiam.com, an internet television channel. The first show has just aired and is available over the internet. Following is the link to the first of the two shows. If you follow the link it will take you to Gaiam. At that point you can see a short promo of the show. Then you can sign up to see the entire show. Gaiam gives you a chance to sign-up and then cancel, if you choose, within ten days. There are hundreds of television programs on Gaiam. I have done several shows for Gaiam over the years. My latest show is on alchemy. http://www.gaiamtv.com/video/unlocking-secrets-alchemy-steven-ross Color has a profound effect upon humans, animals and insects. Back in the early 1930s a brochure advertised that you would be free of flies and ants if you kept a red glass in the widow of your room. It has been proven through experimentation that various colors have profound effects on all types of insects.
The use of color therapy on people dates back to the earliest Greek period and there are even earlier references in Egypt and India. The Greeks used specific colors on their architecture in the belief that the people living in the community and walking by different colored buildings would be effected enough to produce needed social changes within the community. Imagination is an important key to manifestation. Most people have a problem forming the right type of mental image because they become stressed trying so hard to create something. An important key is to distract the left hemisphere so that the imagination can offer up a solid mental image.
Learn to image the final goal that you want to achieve. Don’t be too concerned with how it will happen, only that it will happen, and you will discover that the universe will take care of the manifestation process automatically. Image an individual or situation in a perfect state and the formation of the concept will begin to take place in physical form. Goethe, the great Renaissance man, placed great emphasis on the art of seeing. Goethe believed that the manner in which one sees has a tremendous impact upon what one is really seeing.
Due to Goethe’s unique manner of observation while seeing, he was able to recognize a total organization or unity of the world while noting the diversity of its parts. Observing in Goethe’s manner, when one observes a phenomenon a person needs to be more active in their seeing than what is usually done. We tend to think about seeing as just opening our eyes in front of an event and we are observing something that is flowing toward us, into our consciousness, through our senses. In Goethe’s manner of seeing, we look from ourselves toward the phenomenon. This is accomplished through putting our attention into seeing, so that we really do see what we are seeing, rather than just having impressions imprinting themselves upon our consciousness. While attending a philosophical lecture in 1979 I had my first experience with dowsing. During a break, I was at a buffet table watching a woman spinning an object over various dishes. I asked her what she was doing and she shared that she was determining which foods were good for her by using a pendulum.
I thought it was strange because it appeared that her entire hand was moving the pendulum, in the direction that she said was positive, and it happened over all the deserts, especially the chocolate cake. With this being my first introduction to this type of activity, I wasn’t very impressed, even though I did like the chocolate cake. For several years I never paid much attention to dowsing because I didn’t have a very good first impression of it. In 1986 while visiting one of our foundation advisors in Germany, Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, I was surprised when he and his wife, Gisela, both reached into their pockets for a pendulum while looking at a dinner menu. I was dumbfounded and asked them what they were doing and why. Tomorrow I will be posting information regarding the two programs I spoke of to enhance recognition and increase support for integrative and energy medicine in the United States. All journeys begin with a first step, and we are doing what we believe will help foster a greater awareness of the beneficial approaches that enhance and support our inner healer. We welcome the support of those who can see the bigger picture of what can happen through this initial step.
In 1989, the State of California was doing aerial spraying of Malathion pesticide over the citizens of Los Angeles. The medfly, a fruit eating insect, was threatening fruit crops in No. California. If the State sprayed Malathion pesticide directly on the crops, then many foreign countries would not import the fruits that were sprayed. Someone in the Governor’s office came up with the idea of spraying the rest of the State of California, to kill the insects before they could reach the crops. Television and radio commercials stated that the Malathion was perfectly safe for people, but warned people to make sure their cars were covered and their pets were kept indoors during spraying. While competing on an athletic scholarship I sustained a knee injury when a gardener left a sprinkler-head in our workout running path. I was sent to the sports physician for the Rams, Dodgers and Lakers who said I would need surgery or I couldn't run again. I received a second opinion from the head trainer at UCLA who also agreed on surgery. Before taking that route, I discovered a healing technique from Europe that might help me, through reading a mechanics magazine. Despite the sports physician and the trainer saying it would never work…it did.
It was 1969 and while doing the therapy myself, I would visualize my running and crossing the finish line in first place. I did this visualization over and over again. I resumed training five weeks later and anchored my university relay team to a fifth place finish in the nationals. I wondered why the experts said the technique I was using was ridiculous and I began wondering what other techniques exist that we are not told about. Dr. Adrian Upton, head of Neurology at McMaster University hospital in Ontario, Canada, won more than 14 research prizes at Clifton College Bristol, and has over 410 publications and over 130 peer-reviewed articles. He has been co-author of 7 books and has made over 380 invited presentations around the world.
I first heard of Dr. Upton, in 2004, when he announced that he had produced an electronic gun, which he said could kill off headaches, especially migraines. His therapy works by firing magnetic pulses into the brain. In 1998 I was fascinated to read an article in the medical magazine, Cardiology Today, where it reported that snake venom had arrested the spread of cancer. The poison from the mcmachon viper, found in Afghanistan and Pakistan, contains the protein cristostatin which blocked the tumors in mice injected with cancer cells. I kept a close eye on any further reports of the work with snake venom, but nothing was immediatelyforthcoming.
Also in 1998 a report from a German scientific journal detailed trials being done on a chemical taken from ants and used to treat Alzheimer’s. The Aphaenogaster rudis ant, releases a chemical when it leaves the nest, so that it and its fellow colony members, can find their way home. The chemical is called anabasine, and from the report it was used to stimulate the brains of Alzheimer’s patients and helped to reduce memory loss. I kept a close eye on any further reports, but no other information was forthcoming. Many of my past posts have dealt with therapies and techniques based on the use of the electromagnetic spectrum, most notably in the ranges of electricity, sound, magnetism and color. Today's post deals with water.
In 1990, I had the opportunity to travel to the city of Bad Worishofen, also known as 'The Spa of Kings.' Bad Worishofen is located in Bavaria and is known as the birthplace of the famous Kneipp water therapy. At the time of my visit to Bad Worishofen, there were over 500 locations in the city offering some type of Kneipp water therapy treatment. Along with these hotels and spas, there were numerous parks with walking and riding paths offering opportunities to experience unique forms of the Kneipp therapies. The following story appeared in UPI, May 23, 1984. I am presenting the story in its entirety because each of the statements, made by a highly regarded surgeon in England, is profound and important. My post is not intended to promote the product mentioned in the article.
“Radio waves could help paralyzed. “A British researcher who used radio waves to help cats with crushed spinal cords walk again says the technique has 'enormous potential' in the treatment of spinal cord injuries that paralyze tens of thousands of Americans each year. In 1936, two physicists at the Biological Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York, reported that red blood cells in the bodies of people and animals carry enough electricity to light up a lamp.
They reported their findings at the American Physical Society in Rochester, New York, stating that the red blood cells carry a surface charge of 15,000,000 electrons. They stated that, ‘if the charges from blood of a full-grown person could be collected and made to pass through a 25-watt electric bulb, it would burn for at least 5 minutes.’ The ancient teachers believed that to understand something, one needed to experience it in its totality. In order to understand something, it must be placed correctly within its complete pattern. For the old philosophers, no item or phenomena could be examined separately or there would be no understanding of its place in the whole. They could through deeper intuition sense the energy of each element without separating it.
In 1981, Sharon McDonald, Ph.D., conducted a study on the effects of color on rheumatoid arthritis.
"The purpose of her study was to determine what effects the presence of certain colors, directly projected upon the body, might have on the experience of pain. Data was collected from 60 female volunteers between the ages of 40-60 years who had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. The variables between the volunteers were the filter types, colors of red, blue and a control color, the presence of a visual barrier, and the duration of exposure. Three conclusions at the end of the study seemed to be relevant to future health care interventions; On September 6, 1941, the following announcement appeared in Science Newsletter: New Sonic Generator Kills Bacteria With Short Waves.
"A new generator, that kills bacteria and other microorganisms with very short sound waves, has been built at the University of California. The new device, developed by Prof. A. P. Krueger, consists of a nickel tube within a magnetic field, activated by electrical impulses. "The tube is first elongated, then contracted by the alternative pulls of the magnets. So rapid is this oscillating motion that the nickel emits sound waves with a high frequency of 9,300 cycles per second. The tone is deadly to bacteria and viruses. In 1948, a husband and wife research team conducted medical research utilizing magnetic fields. Eugene Barnothy, Ph.D., was a professor of physics in Budapest, and his wife Madeleine was an assistant professor at the University of Illinois Medical Center.
For years they made significant biological discoveries using ISP "C" shaped permanent magnets. Placing young mice in small cages between the gaps of the magnets, they discovered they could completely stop the growth of animals using a magnetic field strength of 5500 Gauss. Even after the growth development had stopped for six weeks, the female mice remained perfectly healthy, and after removal from the field were able to produce healthy offspring. Males, on the other hand, died after six weeks from being subjected to the same magnetic field strength. In 1939, a team of medical doctors at Yale University announced an unusual cure for fungus infections of the hands and feet. Their preliminary report appeared in both Science Newsletter of May 6, 1939, and the Journal of the American Medical Association of April 1, 1939.
The team of doctors passed copper through the skin by an electrical current. The afflicted person sits with feet immersed in enamel pans and their hands in other basins. When the infection is on the feet, the hands are immersed in salt solutions and the feet in 0.2 percent copper sulfate solution. For infections of the hands, the relations are reversed. Whenever we are within the range of hearing music it has an influence upon our body, mind and spirit. Music can speed or slow down our heartbeat, relax or jar our nerves, affect our blood pressure, and affect our digestion and rate of respiration.
Although we have come to understand how music has an effect upon our physical state, the ancient philosophers recognized a far deeper importance to music and many cultures recognized a sacredness belonging to music. Paracelsus, a famous philosopher of the 1500s who spent a great amount of time in nature, found his interest peaked in virtually every aspect of the natural world. One of his observations involved a pond near his home. During the spring the pond was very active with fish. During the middle of summer, the pond became heated and some fish died. During the winter time, the outside temperature became extremely cold, and the pond became frozen. The fish became less active, some swam deeper under the surface, and some of the fish died.
What fascinated the old philosopher was why the pond went through these changes. He reasoned that the sun, the earth, and the pond water were still of the same essence throughout the year. If all the basic elements remained the same, then what would cause the changes of heat and cold? He then realized that the pathway of the sun across the sky was different throughout the year. He recognized that, while the elements had not changed, the relationship between the elements was different. The philosopher carried the theory of relationship to many other areas of life. Jagadish Chandra Bose was born on November 30, 1858. His family lived in Rarikhal, Bikrampur, in the current day Munshiganj District of Bangladesh.
In the preface of his book, Plant Autographs and Their Revelations (1927), he says, "I have been able to make the seemingly dumb plant the most eloquent chronicler of its inner life and experiences by making it write down its own history. The self-made records thus made, show that there is no life-reaction in even the highest animal, which has not been foreshadowed in the life of the plant. I shall take my readers with me step by step as the wonders became gradually revealed to me through artificial organs of extraordinary sensitiveness by which alone the realm of the invisible could be explored. The barriers which seemed to separate kindred phenomena will be found to have vanished, the plant and the animal appearing as a multiform unity in a single ocean of being." The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high. -- Ancient Japanese Proverb Approximately 2500 years ago, Pythagoras instituted the discipline of silence in the western world. This discipline was firmly imposed at his school at Crotona where most students were not permitted to speak at any time. The lesser grades went through a three-year discipline of silence, while those who passed to the higher grades of the school were required to complete a life of silence for five years. Writings from other philosophers of that period reveal that more than 200 people, which included sixty women, underwent this discipline while receiving instruction at Pythagoras' School.
I've posted previously regarding Royal R. Rife and his work with frequencies. He and his associates, through the unique principles of the Universal Microscope, were able to determine the death frequency or Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) for viruses, bacteria, germs and other pathogens responsible for 60 diseases and illnesses. The doctors associated with Rife in the 1920s and 1930s included Dr. E.C. Rosenow of the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Arthur Kendall, of Northwestern University, Dr. Milbank Johnson, Dr. Karl Meyer, Univ. of Calif., Dr. George Dock, Tulane University, Dr. Lewellys Barker of Johns Hopkins, Dr. O.C. Gruner, McGill University and several other prestigious individuals.
In 1984, I was given copies of more than 500 documents relating to Rife's research from the 1920s through the 1940s. One letter in particular has always held a special fascination for me. The letter is dated November 4, 1936, and is written from Dr. Milbank Johnson in Pasadena, California, to Dr. O. C. Gruner, in Montreal, Canada. |
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