Although this phrase and Idea is not new to most of you I would like to share some of my thoughts regarding this state of awareness.
Let’s begin by looking at a concept held by some of the American Indian revelators. It seems that they held a particular concept throughout their life. It has to do with realizing that they are a part of whatever they are looking at and it is a part of them. This is a concept of a unifying link.
If one looks at a shooting star they have an awareness, the feeling, that they are a part of that shooting star and it is a part of them. When an individual can so align their awareness with this concept then wonderful experiences can happen. As you conceive of being a part of everything and everything is a part of you then you begin raising your awareness to the point that you are in God and God is within you.
A good symbol of recognizing your enhanced awareness might be imaging a giant working at the door of a doll house. You are beginning to transcend your physical ego and have begun seeing and operating from your Higher Self.
On my last post there was some discussion regarding awareness and feelings of various objects in nature. It is all conjecture until you actually become in resonance with various objects. “Individuals who would relate to Zen would understand that through their desire when it couples to their will they can discern the energy pattern of the life of a stone.”
The energy of the stone is the consideration of the immense slow continual erosion that has been associated with producing that stone of that size for a millennia. “A Zen Buddhist them becoming that stone for a while, comes away with the feeling that the life and energy of the stone appears truly immortal. Because in the perceived pattern of the life pattern in the stone versus his own life pattern that is so much more complicated…he realizes that if the stone lasts for eons, obviously his is going to last longer and be more effective in a relationship to others.”
As you proceed to reach this condition of operating from your own “Higher” perspective you are operating from your non-material side of your brain and you become in touch with the non-material side of your Oversoul of Higher Self. One might say that you would then be in almost a continual meditation state.
Now if you wish to impress something upon the non-material portion of your mind, you must continue to insist, continue to talk about it, continue to keep it in the forefront of the mind. Then the physical mind gets tired of it and the unconscious mind acts upon it.
Simplicity to a great extent is the key. See yourself into a scenario concerning the thing that you would desire to be. Then all the forces that would associate around your concept will come to cooperate to your efforts as you would move forward. All forces on every level and state of awareness will help.
Don’t imagine how something is going to happen, just the desired goal you wish to manifest. See what is to be achieved and not the how it will happen.
The way it will happen is through a dawning awareness that yes you can do it, you can be it. There is a “Higher You” present and you are already a part of it. It’s unfolding or the determination of what aspect of YOU is going to ‘run the show,’ is one of the reasons you are here on this plane at this time.
As you become one with his Higher Aspect of Yourself you are standing in the Glory of the Creator, the Creator of the Creation. It is certainly a sacred state.
As you continue through a period of realization your outpouring of love is a key. You don’t have to worry about being the best you can because when you reach this state of awareness you are aligning with the energy that created the universe. My point here is many believe they must be perfect in order to reach this state. Perhaps this concept would be like a carriage in front dragging the horses behind?
Hold a concept of being and sharing universal love toward all those you meet.
Your consideration should be first dedication and second trust. You are associating with the Infinite. Build up your intention and remove your earth ego in thinking something must happen this way or that way. Call in those energies of love that surround you in the personages of your own spiritual guides and know that the love, that created all things, is with you until your final realization on this earth plane.
With love, in love and through love to you.