Learn to image the final goal that you want to achieve. Don’t be too concerned with how it will happen, only that it will happen, and you will discover that the universe will take care of the manifestation process automatically. Image an individual or situation in a perfect state and the formation of the concept will begin to take place in physical form.
Your imaginings do have a reality. Practice setting a goal, relax and let your mind develop it. There was a case where an individual grew new hip sockets. The person did not concentrate specifically on his hip sockets but rather he kept seeing himself running and skipping rope, which could only be done with his having healthy hips. He concentrated on the image of what he wanted to happen and the ‘how’ was taken care of by the universe.
Have the approach that all things are possible and that you are perfectly capable of making it happen. The more you understand how this concept works, the more manifestations will begin to take place in your physical reality.
There is no secret how to make these things possible, it requires only your desire to see something manifest. If you are a healer then your desire to see the other person well is enough to activate the process. When you attune yourself to that concept and apply yourself to help another person with their physical condition, you will help them to manifest the result that is desired.
All people have the capability of manifestation and when two or more are gathered together in resonance for a particular outcome, then this adds much greater energy and potentiality. In very ancient times, individuals were able to thought-form all the things that they needed. The ability to thought-form into physical reality, resides in our deep memory, and those ancient people realized that this ability is associated with the ultimate human expression that is possible in this world.
The strongest thing we have in the world is an idea, because an idea or thought can exist forever. Some ideas are forgotten but the idea continues forever in existence in the universe. When you realize that the energies that are associated with thought-form creation, are energies that do not come from what is created, but are the energies that creates, you will then be in resonance with the Creativeness of the universe.
The more of us that permeate our individual consciousness with these greater possibilities, then it re-activates these long-forgotten capabilities within the universal consciousness. If you decide to align yourself with less than positive activities upon this earth plane, then those thoughts and activities will become your reality and dominate your awareness.
To inspire and empower.
For natural and holistic health information: http://www.wrf.org