You are a soul, you are power, you are light and you are love. You can allow your head to be more silent and the spirit be more active in your life.
If you continue to focus on love, if you continue to draw on the place of consciousness where serenity and peace reside, as you continue to invite the energies of your Higher Self, your soul, whatever you would like to call it, it will be there.
The various challenges that come into our lives present us opportunities to evolve. Will we look toward the higher aspects or focus downward towards fear. I don’t diminish one bit what is taking place throughout the world, but I also know that each one of us is in choice on how we act and react. We are given an opportunity at this time.
By desiring to align the self with the Deity in the spiritual sense. This will create an activation of the physical self by spirit, which will then give energies to the spiritual portion of self, after that has happened the spiritual portion of self then links up with the Creator of the Creativeness of the Universe as a whole. We have activation then of the creative self in tune and aligned with the creativity of the universe. This shall create, what we might say is the final work of art and why you are here.
With love, in love and through love