In the preface of his book, Plant Autographs and Their Revelations (1927), he says, "I have been able to make the seemingly dumb plant the most eloquent chronicler of its inner life and experiences by making it write down its own history. The self-made records thus made, show that there is no life-reaction in even the highest animal, which has not been foreshadowed in the life of the plant. I shall take my readers with me step by step as the wonders became gradually revealed to me through artificial organs of extraordinary sensitiveness by which alone the realm of the invisible could be explored. The barriers which seemed to separate kindred phenomena will be found to have vanished, the plant and the animal appearing as a multiform unity in a single ocean of being."
Jagadish Chandra Bose was born on November 30, 1858. His family lived in Rarikhal, Bikrampur, in the current day Munshiganj District of Bangladesh.
In the preface of his book, Plant Autographs and Their Revelations (1927), he says, "I have been able to make the seemingly dumb plant the most eloquent chronicler of its inner life and experiences by making it write down its own history. The self-made records thus made, show that there is no life-reaction in even the highest animal, which has not been foreshadowed in the life of the plant. I shall take my readers with me step by step as the wonders became gradually revealed to me through artificial organs of extraordinary sensitiveness by which alone the realm of the invisible could be explored. The barriers which seemed to separate kindred phenomena will be found to have vanished, the plant and the animal appearing as a multiform unity in a single ocean of being."
The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high. -- Ancient Japanese Proverb Approximately 2500 years ago, Pythagoras instituted the discipline of silence in the western world. This discipline was firmly imposed at his school at Crotona where most students were not permitted to speak at any time. The lesser grades went through a three-year discipline of silence, while those who passed to the higher grades of the school were required to complete a life of silence for five years. Writings from other philosophers of that period reveal that more than 200 people, which included sixty women, underwent this discipline while receiving instruction at Pythagoras' School.
I've posted previously regarding Royal R. Rife and his work with frequencies. He and his associates, through the unique principles of the Universal Microscope, were able to determine the death frequency or Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) for viruses, bacteria, germs and other pathogens responsible for 60 diseases and illnesses. The doctors associated with Rife in the 1920s and 1930s included Dr. E.C. Rosenow of the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Arthur Kendall, of Northwestern University, Dr. Milbank Johnson, Dr. Karl Meyer, Univ. of Calif., Dr. George Dock, Tulane University, Dr. Lewellys Barker of Johns Hopkins, Dr. O.C. Gruner, McGill University and several other prestigious individuals.
In 1984, I was given copies of more than 500 documents relating to Rife's research from the 1920s through the 1940s. One letter in particular has always held a special fascination for me. The letter is dated November 4, 1936, and is written from Dr. Milbank Johnson in Pasadena, California, to Dr. O. C. Gruner, in Montreal, Canada. Emperor Julian was born in 332 AD. In his writings he reveals his childhood fascination with the sun. The more he thought about the sun, the more he was moved by the majesty, life giving principle and spiritual significance of the "King of the Universe." A few excerpts make his feelings quite obvious: "The apparent world then, perpetually subsists about the sun; and his light, which surrounds the universe, obtains an eternal seat; so as not to be subject to any variations of place, since it is forever the same. But if anyone is willing to conceive by mere thought alone this eternal nature as temporal, he will easily know respecting the sun, the king of the universe, who immediately illuminates everything with his light, what abundant goods he eternally confers on the world."
I would like to make a comparison of two approaches in treating cancer. The two approaches are of Royal R. Rife and his treatment of cancer through destroying the cancer cell, and Georges Lakhovsky, whose theory was to bring all cells back to their healthy state without destruction of any cells.
Let’s begin with a basic overview of Rife’s original approach. Through observation utilizing his unique Universal Microscope, Rife was able to determine the life frequencies of microbes, bacteria and viruses that were the cause of approximately 60 diseases and illnesses. The Smithsonian Institution, a federal institution with multiple museums scattered throughout Washington, DC, republished an account of the Rife Universal Microscope in its Annual Report from the Journal of the Franklin Institute, Volume 237, Issue 2, February 1944, Pages 103–130, titled The New Microscopes.
In March of 1986, I received a call at the World Research Foundation from a woman who informed me that I had been killed several months earlier. I had several staff people in the office at the time but I happened to pick up the call myself. She said, "I heard about the death of your co-founders. Did you know them well?"
I asked her what she had heard. She replied, "Yesterday, I went to a gathering at a recreational room at someone’s condo. There were about thirty people in the room. We watched a video about Nikola Tesla, starring Orson Wells. Then, a man got up and told the story of Royal Rife and his incredible microscope. He shared that two people, the co-founders of your organization who possessed the microscope, were gunned down in front of their homes. The Rife microscope was stolen, and never seen again." She then asked, "Did you know them very well?" My reply was, "I know Steve very well because I saw him in the mirror this morning." A high percentage of the information existing on many Internet sites regarding Royal Rife is very convoluted and inaccurate. The information at some of these sites would be something you would find as a result of the game known as "Chinese Whispers." ![]() Magnetic effects have been used for healing, moving objects, and has been used to describe the force that carries love. The effects of magnets and magnetic fields has been recognized for a very long time. J.S.C. Schweigger and C.C. Bart, in their separate books published in Germany around 1836, conducted research showing magnets being used on the island of Samothrace around 600 BC. The Idaeic finger is mentioned in references to the island as an iron object that was placed on the body and created "wonders of healing by restoring affected organs to their normal condition." In Samothrace magnets healed. Many people have viewed Raphael’s wonderful painting, Sistine Madonna (La Madonna di San Sisto) which current resides in the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, which is part of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden museums in Dresden, Germany. If someone is not familiar with the overall painting, they will certainly recognize the two cherubs at the bottom of the picture. Over the years I have asked people if they find anything unusual regarding the figures in the painting. I have met people with various opinions regarding how many digits were on the right hand of the figure at the bottom left of the painting. People who have discussed it on the Internet have said everything from it is a reflective error, Raphael didn't realize it, or Pope Sixtus IV really had six fingers. It might also have been Raphael's inference that this man had a sixth sense regarding the life and mission that Jesus would experience. My point is that most people have never really looked closely to observe this aspect of the painting. I would revisit Raphael's painting years later as I became more involved with Goethe's study of Greek sculpture.
What would a future culture, perhaps two or three hundred years from now, think about us if they looked at some of our existing words, pictures and images. Would they believe that temperatures ruled our civilization? That car is really hot! That picture you showed me is cool! Or perhaps they will find images of talking bears speaking of toilet paper, a duck saying Aflac and so on. There are literally hundreds of slang words, idioms and phrases we use that would completely confuse future researchers. Unless you become one with the period and attempt to understand them, you can’t fully understand what the real meaning might have been. The ancients built idols and images created in the likeness of deities. They did not believe that the rock, stone or marble were the deities. Many people look back at these ancient times believing that some of the ancients were deluded, hysterical and not very wise. The images were meant as a likeness, a representation of similitude. Their existing philosophical principle had to do with creating a sufficient similarity to the original principle where there would be a motion of energy from the original to the symbol.
Continued from previous post about our visit to the Castle von Bernus (Schloss Donaumünster) in 1989. During our tour of the Castle von Bernus in 1989, our hostess was the Baroness Isa von Bernus, owner of the estate and widow of Alexander von Bernus. In the early to mid-20th century, Alexander was a prolific author of poems, plays and stories, as well as volumes created from his research in alchemy and medicine. All the experiences, I did relate,
Really took place, at the von Bernus estate. The physical aspects, of the castle you see, Will eventually fade away, and no longer be, But the wisdom it houses, some truths that are there, Have existed forever, and can be found everywhere. Philosophers give wisdom, which is housed in their frame, They didn’t invent it, despite all their fame. My experiences were many, each pointed the way, That what you desire, can manifest each day. ![]() While I was on a visit to my Stuttgart office in 1989, my associates Karl Walter and Heidi Kleber told me that they felt impelled to visit the Castle von Bernus (Schloss Donaumünster). Heidi had grown up just a few blocks away from the castle and knew both Alexander von Bernus and his wife, Isa. Alexander von Bernus was a well-known alchemist, poet and playwright in Germany who passed away in 1965. His wife, who was in her 90s, was still alive, and Heidi had a strong feeling that I should visit the castle. Heidi told me the Baroness didn’t speak English and I didn’t speak German. When we knocked at the door, Heidi spoke with the Baroness and then the Baroness turned toward me and said in English, ‘We’ve been waiting for you.’ That she spoke in English took Heidi and Karl by complete surprise. I was given a short tour of the castle with the Baroness holding on to my forearm. I noticed incredible artwork, floor to ceiling books in most of the rooms, and books from the 1600s lying on top of end tables. Isabella d’Este was born in 1474 in Ferrera, Italy. She has been called the ‘First Lady of the World’. She has also been referred to as the ‘Mother of the Renaissance.’ Composers composed music for her, artists such as Rubens, Leonardo da Vinci and Titian, whose painting is on the post, painted her portrait. Many authors during her life inscribed their dedications to her. She is one of the most remarkable people of all time.
Marsilio Ficino was born in Val d’Arno, Italy in 1433. Due to his forming of the Platonic Academy, where he resurrected the concepts of the ancient Greeks, the Renaissance drew its most potent intellectual and spiritual inspiration. Ficino was the first individual that made Plato and the Hermetic writings available to the Western world. Due to his patrons, the Medici family and their purchase of ancient texts, he translated ancient works from Greek to Latin. Ficino believed that the writings of Plato contained the key to the most important knowledge of himself, that is, knowledge of the divine and immortal principle within him.
Through the Greek writings, Ficino recognized that the Divine essence was sleeping behind the physical form, and that love, beauty and the arts could awake the slumbering divinity to its rightful place of awareness within the individual. Gerolamo Cardano was born in 1501. Due to his work of propounding mathematical theory to probability he has been referred to as the ‘Gambling Scholar.’ He was a medical doctor, inventor, philosopher, astrologer and a keen observer or life. He was considered one of the greatest algebraists of his time.
He researched into tuberculosis, asthma and venereal disease and it was due to his cure of asthmatic illness of Archbishop Hamilton that he rose to the pinnacle of international fame. “In medicine, Cardano ranks with Hippocrates, Galen, Maimonides, and other physicians of classical and medieval times. He fought against prejudice and superstitions that in the dark ages had become associated with the study of physical ills.” He wrote more than two hundred books on everything that interested him. But today virtually no one knows his name A book written in the 1800s describes the healing technique of an ancient Hindu healer. The book goes on to say that the healer viewed the body as a harpsichord. When the body’s strings are too relaxed or too tense, the instrument is out of tune, and the individual is sick. When the harpsichord is out of tune the vast expanse of nature may be searched for remedy, there is a cure for every ailment of the flesh. Now everything in nature has been made to meet the wants of people; so everything is found in medical arcane. Waters, plants and the earth, heat and cold, sunshine and shade and the use of light and dark. That which produces harmony in all parts of people is medicine insuring health.
The School of Athens was painted approximately 1510 by Raphael. It is depicting the great women and men of philosophy dating from the beginning of recorded history until the time of the painting. What stands out in the middle of the painting, are the two central figures, Plato and his student Aristotle.
It is generally thought that Raphael is depicting Plato’s theory of forms and the Ideal Archetype, and that is why he is pointing upwards, Aristotle had his emphasis on concrete particulars, with his emphasis on the practical, and that is why he is pointing downward. Both understood each other but had different viewpoints. In 1987 I received an invitation from the Central Government in Beijing to spend 17 days visiting medical and traditional academies of healing in China. I traveled to Beijing and made presentations at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences as well as visited Traditional Research centers in the cities of Hangzhou and Xian in China.
In the city of Hangzhou, I was introduced to the practice of Qigong. I was led into a room where a very old woman was lying on her back. I was told through a translator that she had a paralyzed right arm. Then Dr. Huang Rui Sheng walked into the room. He spoke a few words (in Chinese), took her pulse and then stood behind her, out of her sight. Without saying one additional word, various parts of her body began moving in concert with the doctor’s arm movements. She held her legs in positions that would be hard for younger people. The doctor moved his arms left, right, up and down and the legs moved exactly with his movements. In the late 1980s, while I was driving to my office in Los Angeles, I heard a very interesting news report on KNX radio. The story was about an eagle that had a severely injured wing that no one before this report had been able to repair. The eagle, that had been given the name Sam, had been to top veterinarians and experts in zoology who were not able to help.
In 1976, I was watching the Olympic Games being broadcast on ABC’s Wide World of Sports. On one of the segments, sportscaster Jim McKay was commenting on how amazing it was that Lasse Viren was running and leading the 10,000 meter finals. This came about because Lasse Viren had earlier won the 5,000 meter finals, and the concern was that he might not be ready to run the 10,000 because of a hamstring injury he had sustained in the earlier race. The television kept flashing back and forth from Viren actually running the 10,000, to the trainer’s room where earlier he had used an incredible machine, that was said to accelerate the healing process.
![]() Aristotle, the ancient philosopher, was walking along the Mediterranean when he noticed a figure in the distance running between the water and the sand. As he got closer to the figure, he noticed it was the town madman carrying a little bucket. The man was filling it up in the water and then dumping it into a hole in the sand. When he got close enough to speak, he asked the man what he was doing. The man replied, I am going to empty all of this water so I can clearly see the blue-green color at the bottom. Aristotle then thrust his arms out and said, how are you going to get all of this water into that little hole of yours? ![]() The man straightened up, scratched his head and pondered what the great philosopher had just said. The man then looked at Aristotle and said, great philosopher, what are you doing? Aristotle then took his arms, raised them to the sky and said, I am contemplating the universe. The man then thrust his arms into the sky in a sweeping motion, then pointed a finger at Aristotle’s head and said, now how are you going to get all of that in that little head of yours?” (I don’t remember where I read this, perhaps someone will give the proper acknowledgement.) |
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