In very ancient times there were three formulas that were used to manifest that which one desires. They were stated as the formula for idealization, the formula for affirmation and the formula for actualization. In more modern times, if we consider the 1500s as more modern, Paracelsus stated it as imagination, faith and will.
The concept is to create within your thoughts the highest and best ideal form, pattern, design or mold, whatever is the easiest for you to conceive, of that which you desire to bring into our objective reality.
The clearer that you define the ideal, outline and form that you wish to produce in physical form, along with your energizing the need for it to exist or manifest, along with your sure knowledge that it is necessary and you Will have it, it will tend to materialize.
Why will something materialize out of nothingness? From the earliest times the ancient teachers have stated that there is a “supersensible and real cosmic medium that exists, which interpenetrates, influences and supports the tangible and apparent world, and which is amenable to the categories of both philosophy and physics. This ‘cosmic medium’ or ‘astral light’ is close to what is termed ether.”
Now this ether is used by those who have achieved, what is considered magical activities, through their imposing upon this cosmic medium, their own thought and will, as easily as one might impose their energy upon things we can physically see.
Following the concept of ‘as above, so below; as below, so above,’ the wise have used this concept to create between the seen and the unseen worlds.
Through the creation or building of an ethereal pattern, outline, design or mold, it tends to attract to itself, and to build around itself a materialized counterpart or material representation in the physical world. When you look to create something upon our physical plane, you attract persons, conditions, things and modify environmental factors that aid in the process of manifesting that which you desire. What you might not realize is that something was taking place in a corresponding etheric level. In actuality it was taking place first in the unseen world before you manifested it in the physical world.
The unseen world is actually the underpinning of all that you see, feel and experience. What is probably the hardest thing for most people to conceive is how they have control over both the seen and unseen worlds. The equilibrium or manifestation in both the unseen and seen can be controlled by the disciplined ‘Thought and Will of men and women.’
What is considered as magic by most people is little more than a mental discipline of strengthening and learning to focus your OWN WILL POWER. It has been known through thousands of years, ‘Just as the powers of the body can be developed to an amazing extent by athletes, so may the power so the soul be likewise developed through learning how to Will.’
It was stated by one of the greatest physicists that everything exists within the ‘thought stream of God.’ Through the extension of the concept, as below so above and as above so below, the ancient mystery schools taught that Humankind, the microcosm, may proceed to create by means of the deliberate employment of the same methods and processes, and through the same principles ‘as those employed by Nature , or the Cosmos, the macrocosm.
When you think about our human creations here on earth, whatever you observe, first it was conceived within the thought or idea of an individual. Then it became manifest within our physical world.
I would leave you with this thought…science has come around to the thought, although their thinking is not quite complete, that there is a universal ether, an immaterial, imponderable substance similar to what ancient philosophers termed the Akasha. The concept is that this ether pervades all space and it is the ultimate state of condition of all materiality.
“The Ether is a substance filling all space, carrying in its infinite throbbing bosom the specks of aggregated dynamic forces called worlds. It embodies the ultimate spiritual principle, and represents the unity of those forces and energies from which sprang, as their source, all phenomena, physical, mental, and spiritual as they are known to us.” We all have been given the ability to create and demonstrate our ability to utilize creative energy as provided to us by the Creator.
I carry a coin from 200 BC, depicting in ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus. Janus is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces, since he looks to the future and to the past.
The All is in all, and all are in the All. You who read these words are capable of everything that you might conceive. Janus is within us and within us is everything that has been and will be.
With love, in love and through love to you.