It was 1969 and while doing the therapy myself, I would visualize my running and crossing the finish line in first place. I did this visualization over and over again. I resumed training five weeks later and anchored my university relay team to a fifth place finish in the nationals. I wondered why the experts said the technique I was using was ridiculous and I began wondering what other techniques exist that we are not told about.
I took up yoga and meditation in 1975 and while coming out of a meditation I saw a world map with blinking lights and I had a vision that various colors could heal all aspects of disease and illness. When I shared this with my father his comment was, there are lots of colors and how will you ever figure out what color works for what health problem? One week later I came upon the writings of Dinshah Ghadiali and his SpectroChrome color therapy. The map was where offices and advisors should be for a worldwide health network.
Through dreams I was told that I could help people by surrounding them with love and healing energy. It didn’t matter whether they were next to me or at other places in the world. I worked with people with inoperable tumors, people in comas, individuals with paralysis and other difficulties. I never charged because I knew that the healing was something happening beyond my physical being.
In Germany I had the experience in the Von Bernus castle, and learned that the veil is very thin between worlds, and that the wisdom of the ancients is always around and available to those who are seeking.
Through our journeys around the world and throughout time, we have learned of people and groups who do not have the best interests of the public in their heart. They appear to be more interested in money, power and control. These type of people and groups have been around a very long time.
I have chosen to speak on the positive, empowering, loving, beautiful and spiritual side of life. In the more than 300 presentations I have given, only a few have been on the politics of medicine. I know that various, less-than-positive-interests exist, but I also know that we are powerful when we open ourselves up to a higher source.
Within a week, we want to announce two new projects through WRF that we feel will help change the direction of medicine and medical research in the United States. We know that something must be done to unify all of the energy practitioners, place energy medicine at the status it deserves, and bring freedom of choice into medicine. I have shared my story, so you will understand my passion and what I believe. Where this journey will lead us, will be completely up to you and your support.
To inspire and empower.