A wise philosopher from the past said, "In a time in which we are apprehensive not only as to the strength of leadership, but also about the larger problems of society, it is natural that we should have a strong revival of inquiry into the possible sources within ourselves of the securities, hopes and aspirations which seem to be without adequate representation in society.
"We do face a very critical time, but wherever a problem arises in our environment, this is actually an invitation to an immediate unfoldment of internal resources. When the individual is physically under unusual stress, nature provides him with additional resource in the form of adrenalins to carry him over the emergency. In various emotional and psychic quandaries, people have available internal subjective resources that might remain unnoticed and unused unless emergencies forced them into manifestation."
"As we face a perceived crisis, therefore, we realize we also face the most positive invitation to progress that nature can possibly offer."
These pictures were taken just days ago by our son Derek. Is it possible that you have been created for a greater purpose than you might imagine at this moment.
You are a soul, you are power, you are light and you are love.