Also in 1998 a report from a German scientific journal detailed trials being done on a chemical taken from ants and used to treat Alzheimer’s. The Aphaenogaster rudis ant, releases a chemical when it leaves the nest, so that it and its fellow colony members, can find their way home. The chemical is called anabasine, and from the report it was used to stimulate the brains of Alzheimer’s patients and helped to reduce memory loss. I kept a close eye on any further reports, but no other information was forthcoming.
The conclusions of the report are strong and meaningful. “Venom from snakes is an important agent for curing many types of cancers…Snake venom contains a vast array of components, the majority of which act on the peripheral nervous system…We can anticipate the development of a new agent from snake venoms in the future which will be useful in cancer therapy.”
I don’t recall any media reporting of this Asian Pacific article, perhaps something further will be learned. In one of my previous posts regarding Paracelsus, I mentioned his statement in the early 1500s, that everything in nature has a purpose, and is good, useful and beneficial for something else in nature. Everything has its place and importance. Paracelsus specifically mentioned that even snakes have a purpose and are important in healing.
New is good, but let’s not overlook valuable wisdom from the past. It just might take the sting out of some of our current health problems.
To inspire and empower.