Happy New Year to All – “A Beautiful Heart, an Open Mind and a Humble Spirit.”
The following is a paraphrase of a quote from Pythagoras around 520 BC
‘When I come across those who I exchange and share information with, I call them brother and sister. When I come across those who I impart information to, I call them son and daughter. For those who possess greater wisdom and impart it to me, I call them mother and father.’
So now my brothers and sisters on Facebook we are entering into a year of preparation. The Veil of Forgetfulness is dissipating, dimensions are becoming more compact and the boundaries of energy separating the higher dimensions is diminishing and becoming less dense.
This means you will begin to realize the greater capabilities that you possess, as you align closer to your own Higher Self. We all have the opportunity for greater expression; unfolding the gifts that we possess within our Higher Self, which was brought with us as we entered into the earth sphere in this living. You have all asked to be present during this shift on the planet, when many individuals will have the opportunity to bring their Higher Self closely within their physical body while awake, allowing for greater psychic activities and demonstrations of the God-self within.
This upcoming year you will begin to notice an increase in your telepathic abilities, clairvoyance and other psychic states. You will experience more activities in your dream state that will be encouraging you toward nullifying some of the long held physical laws that we have accepted as the reality here on earth.
You will find yourself apprehending more things before they occur. This is why you have incarnated at this time.
My post is meant to encourage you to move inward and get more aligned with your Higher Self and become more attuned to the reason you are here on earth at this time. I want you to appreciate yourself and trust yourself and never feel that as you gain greater awareness and manifest abilities that you are alone and unprepared. You have asked to be present for this before you incarnated in this living.
As you notice your energies changing, you might, and I say might, have some nagging physical problems arise…don’t be too concerned, this is meant to happen for some to clear out some old karmic situations. Bless these difficulties and realize that these physical manifestations are connected to old thought patterns and belief systems that are now diminishing.
I will be around to share and support you regarding ‘spiritual/psychic activities’ that are happening to or around you. You are never alone!
Don’t strain and don’t push attempting to force further opening of any spiritual or psychic activities. Relax and know that in this year your manifestations will come forth in a greater degree than ever before. Remember it is easy and all you need is a ‘beautiful heart, an open mind and a humble spirit.’ You already possess everything you need to become the Highest You Imaginable. In this year of preparation you should begin to formulate and Imagine what you desire. This year we will share together to enhance your belief regarding what is possible and you will learn through your stronger contact with Your Higher Self how to become that which You desire. Now how about this…there is no course, no cost and no salesman will call!
You don’t need any magical words, substances, tools, teachers or courses. Everything is within you now! It is time for you to conceive, believe and empower your own self to fulfill your imagination regarding what you would like to manifest. Pay special attention to your dreams this year.
It is as easy as maintaining “a beautiful heart, an open mind and a humble spirit.” This is your time, this is your choice and this is why you have come into this lifetime on the planet earth…to bring the light of your Highest Self into this physical reality while you are in physical form. Ask for the support, love and guidance of YOUR OWN guides, spirits and angels to assist you at this time.
We are all here together to change the energy and vibrations of the planet to a higher spiritual awareness. If you are reading this than it is your time for these initial preparations to take place and for you to understand who You are and why You are here. We are sharing through my posts to bring you in closer touch and awareness with your own Higher Self. Your life plan and all of your abilities and greater awareness exists within your own Higher Self. Call to your own Higher Self and ask that it come closer to you throughout the day and night. It is You!
I will continue to share within the best of my own awareness to assist you in activating the highest and best within you. I will do it through lightheartedness, fun, laughter, love and beauty. In strain, there is little or no gain in this area. The key is to relax and be in joy as you proceed to expand your awareness and abilities. Trust yourself. Be love, move in love and share in love.
I support you with love, in love and through love so that we all will reach our highest and best.