This was one of the descriptions that the ancients used to describe the Soul that resides in each one of us. That Divine Aspect that connects us directly to our Creator. Some refer to it as Soul and some as Spirit.
To reach this Divine Aspect, that is the direct link within ourselves, the ancient philosophers shared that we must rise up to a higher vibration which is reached with even the simple concept that ‘we know better than we do.” When one has the feeling that “we do not yet possess ourselves.”
Although many spiritual systems require long or intensive physical and mental regimes to reach enlightenment, there was another system that was used by some ancient teachers that took another approach.
This approach did not require a castigation of self and a constant questioning of why a particular action was taken. This approach was an offering of the earth-ego to work in conjunction with the more Divine Aspect that is within.
The Divine Aspect that is a wiser, loving, friend and teacher that we all possess, or we might more accurately say that we are within.
When you have the concept that we are here in the schoolroom to learn and that our Teacher is within and without, and you understand that “every sound that is spoken over the round world which you should hear, will vibrate in your ear,” you are becoming more in resonance with your Divine Aspect and Teacher.
“Every proverb, every book, every byword that belongs to you for your aid or comfort, shall surely come home though open or winding passages.”
When you are open and aligned with your Teacher within; every friend that should be a part of your life “shall lock thee in his embrace.”
When we raise from our personal ego-self, to follow our internal Teacher, and recognize that the heart within ourselves is the heart within all, when we understand that there is not “a vale, not a wall, not an intersection anywhere in nature, but one blood rolls uninterruptedly an endless circulation through all people, as the water of the globe is all one sea, and, truly seen, its tide is one, then we understand we are all One.
All things are sacred, all people are sacred and rather than just creating little shreds and patches as we go through life, we begin to live in a divine unity and understand that we are a thread in the total tapestry of life.
Emerson said, “The heart, which abandons itself to the Supreme Mind residing within finds itself related to all its works, and will travel a royal road to particular knowledge and powers…”
An aspect of the Creator is in your very being. That which you need is yours NOW, if you could raise yourself to the recognition of your true relationship to your internal Teacher.
The beauty that is your ‘Higher Self’ is immense. You align yourself to this higher aspect within when you have a heart that gives love and is open to receive love.
When you remember throughout the day that your inner Teacher has placed you within your activities to learn, and when you acknowledge this Divine Presence throughout the day and many times during the day, you bring your you have a greater understanding of life and why you are confronting particular people and situations.
Your Inner Teacher does not leave you alone and does not give you more than you can handle. Your Teacher instructs, supports and loves you.
When you listen, your Inner Teacher provides you a higher perspective of what is taking place along with the most spiritual approach to a situation.
Every religion and philosophy speaks of this higher aspect within us and how it supports, enhances, protects and guides us when we are open to its Presence within ourselves.
You don’t earn this Teacher nor do you have to join a group or follow any particular teachings to have access to this Divine Presence. You only need to raise yourself to the recognition of your true relationship with your Divine Self.
I used several terms to describe this inner source so that you will find the one that is most comfortable and resonates with you.
To inspire and empower. With love, in love and through love.