Most people’s viewpoint of love is that it is largely a passion of the emotions. Most people feel that they need love and they will seek other people to give them the love that they crave.
Love is a cornerstone and major tenant of virtually every religion. It is so very often stated that love is the remedy that combats all evils and brings the soul closer to its Creator.
Most people’s viewpoint of love is that it is largely a passion of the emotions. Most people feel that they need love and they will seek other people to give them the love that they crave.
Some of the ancient, mystical-medical-philosophers, assumed that health was the normal state of people. They realized that the way of health was the way of nature and actions and activities that conflicted with nature destroyed health. No matter how strong or powerful a person might be, one must keep the laws of nature and the universe. The wise ones of the past realized that no person could break these laws and still flourish in perfect health.
It became clear to the old wise philosophers that as people became more engrossed with the lore of the accomplishments of mankind and began leaning on people-made ways, people broke faith with nature and with that, they broke faith with Health.
In 1876, Dr. Edwin D. Babbitt, M.D., published his book on color, The Principles of Light and Color. He had two purposes for publishing his book. The first was to convince his fellow doctors in the medical profession that he had discovered a valuable therapeutic system, the second was to present to the world a philosophy of ‘light and color’ that he believed described the basis of all life.
In 1876, Babbitt wanted to prove that clairvoyance and X-Ray vision was possible for all people, when they came into rapport with a grade of light that was so fine it could penetrate opaque bodies and show the interior of all things. To support his theory, Babbitt referred to the discovery of the Roentgen or X-Ray, as well as Edison’s discovery that the light of fluorescent screens could penetrate the body. Several hundred years ago, philosopher-physicians made some wonderful observations of the world around them. A few of the great Renaissance thinkers were alone in their thoughts and some faced harsh criticism for their beliefs.
Great discoveries were made by these profound philosopher-physicians due to the fact that they functioned according to their own light and were not influenced by the opinions of those about them. Paracelsus, as a professor in the University of Basel, burned several textbooks saying, “This is what I think of precedent.” Paracelsus stated that the world might be better off with some of the medical books in the fire because the authors were not qualified to teach and their works were pedantic, or characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for academic knowledge and formal rules rather than the truth. |
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July 2024