Dr. Kate Baldwin, M.D. F.A.C.S. delivered a paper at the clinical meeting of the Section on Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, and the abstract was printed in the Atlantic Medical Journal of April 1927, stating, “…For about six years I have given close attention to the action of colors in restoring the body functions, and I am perfectly honest in saying that, after nearly thirty-seven years of active hospital and private practice in medicine and surgery, I can produce quicker and more accurate results with colors than will all other methods combined – AND WITH LESS STRAIN ON THE PATIENT. (Caps are mine.)
In some previous posts I’ve shared information regarding the use of color for health and well-being. I would like to share more information from various sources regarding the use of light and color.
Dr. Kate Baldwin, M.D. F.A.C.S. delivered a paper at the clinical meeting of the Section on Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, and the abstract was printed in the Atlantic Medical Journal of April 1927, stating, “…For about six years I have given close attention to the action of colors in restoring the body functions, and I am perfectly honest in saying that, after nearly thirty-seven years of active hospital and private practice in medicine and surgery, I can produce quicker and more accurate results with colors than will all other methods combined – AND WITH LESS STRAIN ON THE PATIENT. (Caps are mine.)
Tinkerbell's light is fading, and has almost gone out.
In the wonderful little movie Peter Pan there was the scene where Tinkerbell had been poisoned and her light was going out. Next we heard, clap your hands if you believe in Fairies! Peter Pan was asking us to bring back the light, bring back the energy, and bring back the magic. We are losing the idea of our own magical abilities, we are forgetting whom we are and what we are capable of manifesting within our world
In 1876, Dr. Edwin D. Babbitt, M.D., published his book on color, The Principles of Light and Color. He had two purposes for publishing his book. The first was to convince his fellow doctors in the medical profession that he had discovered a valuable therapeutic system, the second was to present to the world a philosophy of ‘light and color’ that he believed described the basis of all life.
In 1876, Babbitt wanted to prove that clairvoyance and X-Ray vision was possible for all people, when they came into rapport with a grade of light that was so fine it could penetrate opaque bodies and show the interior of all things. To support his theory, Babbitt referred to the discovery of the Roentgen or X-Ray, as well as Edison’s discovery that the light of fluorescent screens could penetrate the body. In today’s world people’s concept of philosophy is different than in ancient times. The more profound philosophers in the past did not look to make the world agree with them, but they attempted to bring their own lives in harmony with the world.
There is a story regarding one of the generals who said to President Lincoln, “I hope God is on our side.” President Lincoln responded, “I hope we are on God’s side.” As you peruse the philosophical systems throughout time it is a good idea to look at the actual life of each philosopher that embodied that philosophy. As you are deciding about taking up someone’s philosophy you should start by asking yourself if you would like to be like that person? In some philosophies we find intellectuals who ended up living miserable lives. Some became very disillusioned with life and ended up with great sadness and misery. A person contemplating the following of any system should determine if they are really interested in following that pathway? The following is a true story that Paul Harvey told about 35 years ago.
A doctor from Harvard Medical School was making his rounds in the heart ward. He had 12 interns with him. They came to the bed of a patient who was in a coma and was expected to die at any moment. The patient's heart was literally in pieces. The professor placed his stethoscope on the patient and turned to the interns and said, "Listen to that beat (which was very erratic)... just listen... to the wholeness." Each of the interns placed their stethoscope on the patient and remarked that they heard what the doctor was talking about. They continued on their rounds. The next day the patient came out of the coma... Paracelsus (1493-1541) is the shortened name for Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombatsus Von Hohenheim. Paracelsus was the first to develop systemized health methods. He did not personally write much, but he had several assistants that recorded most of what he had to say regarding health and philosophy.
Paracelsus believed in working with nature rather than just accepting the writings of ancient texts, especially when it came to addressing health problems. The hermetic philosophers, a group to which Paracelsus belonged to do to his philosophy, held that while they acknowledged a Supreme force of Good, which was the underpinning of the world, human beings were given the ability to co-create and manage the creative energies that fashioned our visible world. Following are some selected keys of Paracelsus and the hermeticists, with additional commentary on some of the points. Goethe, the great Renaissance man, placed great emphasis on the art of seeing. Goethe believed that the manner in which one sees has a tremendous impact upon what one is really seeing.
Due to Goethe’s unique manner of observation while seeing, he was able to recognize a total organization or unity of the world while noting the diversity of its parts. Observing in Goethe’s manner, when one observes a phenomenon a person needs to be more active in their seeing than what is usually done. We tend to think about seeing as just opening our eyes in front of an event and we are observing something that is flowing toward us, into our consciousness, through our senses. In Goethe’s manner of seeing, we look from ourselves toward the phenomenon. This is accomplished through putting our attention into seeing, so that we really do see what we are seeing, rather than just having impressions imprinting themselves upon our consciousness. In 1936, two physicists at the Biological Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York, reported that red blood cells in the bodies of people and animals carry enough electricity to light up a lamp.
They reported their findings at the American Physical Society in Rochester, New York, stating that the red blood cells carry a surface charge of 15,000,000 electrons. They stated that, ‘if the charges from blood of a full-grown person could be collected and made to pass through a 25-watt electric bulb, it would burn for at least 5 minutes.’ In 1948, a husband and wife research team conducted medical research utilizing magnetic fields. Eugene Barnothy, Ph.D., was a professor of physics in Budapest, and his wife Madeleine was an assistant professor at the University of Illinois Medical Center.
For years they made significant biological discoveries using ISP "C" shaped permanent magnets. Placing young mice in small cages between the gaps of the magnets, they discovered they could completely stop the growth of animals using a magnetic field strength of 5500 Gauss. Even after the growth development had stopped for six weeks, the female mice remained perfectly healthy, and after removal from the field were able to produce healthy offspring. Males, on the other hand, died after six weeks from being subjected to the same magnetic field strength. Both Dr. Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) and Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) had very interesting thoughts regarding health and health care. Both men were original signers of the Declaration of Independence and Thomas Jefferson became the 3rd President of the United States.
Thomas Jefferson shared the following thoughts in his ‘Letter to Doctor Caspar Wistar,’ dated June 21, 1807. The letter can be found in the Writings of Thomas Jefferson. In 1939, a team of medical doctors at Yale University announced an unusual cure for fungus infections of the hands and feet. Their preliminary report appeared in both Science Newsletter of May 6, 1939, and the Journal of the American Medical Association of April 1, 1939.
The team of doctors passed copper through the skin by an electrical current. The afflicted person sits with feet immersed in enamel pans and their hands in other basins. When the infection is on the feet, the hands are immersed in salt solutions and the feet in 0.2 percent copper sulfate solution. For infections of the hands, the relations are reversed. Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour starred in the 1980 move, ‘Somewhere in Time.’ In the movie, Reeve was staying in a hotel, in 1972, for some rest from overwork. While walking through the hotel, Reeve fell in love with a of a young woman’s picture, who lived in the hotel in 1912. The more Reeve thought about the woman in the picture, the more obsessed he became with her. Having come across a book written about time travel, Reeve decided to follow the instructions in the book, so he could travel back to 1912, and be with his love.
The instructions in the book included; utilizing self-hypnosis, wearing the same type of clothes worn during the desired period, wearing his hair as men did in that period, and also having some physical items from the period. He was to meditate on the image of the woman and the date that he wanted to be with her. He was using self-hypnosis to create, in his mind and awareness, that she exists and he could interact with her. He was also to remove any item from his view that would remind him of his current year. In the movie, he accomplished his task. The alchemical drawing that you see is from Michael Maier (1618), it is titled, ‘Let Nature Be Your Guide.’
The footprints represent the pioneers that have followed nature. The walking stick represents the use of reason, the spectacles on the man represent the importance of experience, and the lantern represents the study of writings.
I would like to make a comparison of two approaches in treating cancer. The two approaches are of Royal R. Rife and his treatment of cancer through destroying the cancer cell, and Georges Lakhovsky, whose theory was to bring all cells back to their healthy state without destruction of any cells.
Let’s begin with a basic overview of Rife’s original approach. Through observation utilizing his unique Universal Microscope, Rife was able to determine the life frequencies of microbes, bacteria and viruses that were the cause of approximately 60 diseases and illnesses. The Smithsonian Institution, a federal institution with multiple museums scattered throughout Washington, DC, republished an account of the Rife Universal Microscope in its Annual Report from the Journal of the Franklin Institute, Volume 237, Issue 2, February 1944, Pages 103–130, titled The New Microscopes.
In March of 1986, I received a call at the World Research Foundation from a woman who informed me that I had been killed several months earlier. I had several staff people in the office at the time but I happened to pick up the call myself. She said, "I heard about the death of your co-founders. Did you know them well?"
I asked her what she had heard. She replied, "Yesterday, I went to a gathering at a recreational room at someone’s condo. There were about thirty people in the room. We watched a video about Nikola Tesla, starring Orson Wells. Then, a man got up and told the story of Royal Rife and his incredible microscope. He shared that two people, the co-founders of your organization who possessed the microscope, were gunned down in front of their homes. The Rife microscope was stolen, and never seen again." She then asked, "Did you know them very well?" My reply was, "I know Steve very well because I saw him in the mirror this morning." A high percentage of the information existing on many Internet sites regarding Royal Rife is very convoluted and inaccurate. The information at some of these sites would be something you would find as a result of the game known as "Chinese Whispers." Continued from previous post about our visit to the Castle von Bernus (Schloss Donaumünster) in 1989. During our tour of the Castle von Bernus in 1989, our hostess was the Baroness Isa von Bernus, owner of the estate and widow of Alexander von Bernus. In the early to mid-20th century, Alexander was a prolific author of poems, plays and stories, as well as volumes created from his research in alchemy and medicine. All the experiences, I did relate,
Really took place, at the von Bernus estate. The physical aspects, of the castle you see, Will eventually fade away, and no longer be, But the wisdom it houses, some truths that are there, Have existed forever, and can be found everywhere. Philosophers give wisdom, which is housed in their frame, They didn’t invent it, despite all their fame. My experiences were many, each pointed the way, That what you desire, can manifest each day. While I was on a visit to my Stuttgart office in 1989, my associates Karl Walter and Heidi Kleber told me that they felt impelled to visit the Castle von Bernus (Schloss Donaumünster). Heidi had grown up just a few blocks away from the castle and knew both Alexander von Bernus and his wife, Isa. Alexander von Bernus was a well-known alchemist, poet and playwright in Germany who passed away in 1965. His wife, who was in her 90s, was still alive, and Heidi had a strong feeling that I should visit the castle. Heidi told me the Baroness didn’t speak English and I didn’t speak German. When we knocked at the door, Heidi spoke with the Baroness and then the Baroness turned toward me and said in English, ‘We’ve been waiting for you.’ That she spoke in English took Heidi and Karl by complete surprise. I was given a short tour of the castle with the Baroness holding on to my forearm. I noticed incredible artwork, floor to ceiling books in most of the rooms, and books from the 1600s lying on top of end tables. Marsilio Ficino was born in Val d’Arno, Italy in 1433. Due to his forming of the Platonic Academy, where he resurrected the concepts of the ancient Greeks, the Renaissance drew its most potent intellectual and spiritual inspiration. Ficino was the first individual that made Plato and the Hermetic writings available to the Western world. Due to his patrons, the Medici family and their purchase of ancient texts, he translated ancient works from Greek to Latin. Ficino believed that the writings of Plato contained the key to the most important knowledge of himself, that is, knowledge of the divine and immortal principle within him.
Through the Greek writings, Ficino recognized that the Divine essence was sleeping behind the physical form, and that love, beauty and the arts could awake the slumbering divinity to its rightful place of awareness within the individual. Gerolamo Cardano was born in 1501. Due to his work of propounding mathematical theory to probability he has been referred to as the ‘Gambling Scholar.’ He was a medical doctor, inventor, philosopher, astrologer and a keen observer or life. He was considered one of the greatest algebraists of his time.
He researched into tuberculosis, asthma and venereal disease and it was due to his cure of asthmatic illness of Archbishop Hamilton that he rose to the pinnacle of international fame. “In medicine, Cardano ranks with Hippocrates, Galen, Maimonides, and other physicians of classical and medieval times. He fought against prejudice and superstitions that in the dark ages had become associated with the study of physical ills.” He wrote more than two hundred books on everything that interested him. But today virtually no one knows his name Dr. Kate W. Baldwin was senior surgeon for 23 years at Philadelphia Women’s Hospital, the oldest women’s hospital in the country. In 1924, little Grace Shirlow was brought into the hospital with 3rd degree burns over 4/5ths of her body. It was not only the skin that was burned but the fascia of the muscle. Dr. Baldwin stated, “I was brought in about 24 hours after the burn and the surgeon and the doctor stated ‘there was no use to do anything else.’ I told myself there was nothing in regular medicine or surgery that would make the child live. I told my assistant we might as well see what Spectro-chrome (color therapy) would do. The child was 8 years old and there was complete suppression of urine for more than 48 hours and a temperature of 105 to 106 degrees.” Someone asked, how does one focus to reach the state of mind, to manifest a situation or initiate a placebo type result? Here is one tool used by the doctor and great alchemist, Paracelsus (1493-1543). To Paracelsus, there is no miracle or magic, just laws of the natural world that have not yet been recognized. The three pillars of all seemingly miraculous results is the use of Imagination, Faith and Will. So called ‘magic’ is the product of a direction of the Will in working in sympathy with forces of the natural world. Wherever the Will can be brought into activity, invisible changes, lawful and natural can be induced. Dr. Isaac Jennings (1788-1874) was a medical doctor in Oberlin, Ohio in the early 1800s. In 1822, after twenty years of practicing regular medicine, he gave up the medical pills and powders and relied upon the curative powers of two systems; working with nature and satisfying his patient’s faith in him by using bread pills, colored water and starch powders. For twenty years he dispensed placebos but did not tell his patients. He decided upon his duel health approach largely based upon two cases he attended. Tributes to Dr. George Washington Crile (1864-1943) includes the USS George Crile, a US Liberty ship named after him during World War II, and a lunar crater named after him. In 2008, Crile was chosen as one of the six Great People of Ohio, along with Thomas Edison, Jesse Owens and Harriet Beecher Stowe. But all of these accolades for Crile were due to his being formally recognized as the first surgeon to have succeeded in a direct blood transfusion. He also contributed to other procedures and medical devices that have benefited surgical techniques. Perhaps his greatest contribution on energy, his two books, “The Phenomena of Life” and “The Bipolar Theory of the Living Process”, remain virtually unknown.
Paracelsus (1493-1544) (paraphrase) the mind is the most powerful collecting and distributing media of all. More than all talismans. A physician, knowing how to direct his own mental energy, can through conformity with laws of structure, stimulate or vitalize magnetic fields. He must understand thoroughly how to condition this energy. [This is not simply a good thought method. He believed in the scientific directing of a conscious formula just exactly and specifically as a pharmaceutical formula.] Just as a physician can give a written prescription to be filled, the physician with his mind, devised the prescription so, directed through the same mental energy that came up with the prescription, it is mentally sent to the patient. The patient will respond. You will find through research that Paracelsus was one of the greatest healers throughout Europe, taking incurable cases to prove his philosophy. He stated that all can do it! Using the aspects from the previous post. To inspire and empower. Kept in consciousness it will increase throughout all consciousness. |
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