When you bring more light into your world of matter, by directing your thoughts to seek the light that exists everywhere and in all things, then you begin to see the world literally, in a different light. If you do healing work then don’t look see a withered hand, see a hand filled with light and beauty. Use your inner eye filled with light to see only light and beauty and then behold a miracle. Beauty and health can be defined as a symmetry or a balance of energy.
"Let There Be Light" is a powerful healing and manifestation mantra that becomes even more powerful when intent is used. "Let" is a definite statement to allow something to take place. "There" is a call for a definite action to take place, and "Be" is a definite space, place or location.
Pythagoras in 550 BC stated that Deity is an infinite being whose body is composed of the substance of light, and whose soul is composed of the substance of truth. Light was held by the ancient philosophers to be the mysterious substance or essence in nature that contained all the energy that sustains life.
When we look at a thing we see either its visible objective form reflected by light or we perceive an inner light that exists within. We have a choice of seeing things by the reflected light upon them or we can see the inner light radiating out from their inner nature. We can perceive outward things by our outward senses and inner things through our own inner-light.
We can learn to see life within nature because of the light that shines within it or we see the outward nature because of the light that shines upon it. The Iroquois have a term called Orenda, the belief that all living things are filled with a life essence that could be likened to light and this allows the sensing of inner qualities that are not immediately perceived by our normal senses.
One group of philosophers believed, "The universe in its totality is suspended in an infinite extent of spiritual life-light. All things exist within this light. It permeates space mingling with spiritual light of other suns and cosmic centers in all existence. The sea of eternal light is the luminous nature of God."
"Through reflected light we see shape, color, number and arrangement."
"Through inner light we see goodness, beauty and integrity."
When someone sees intuitively they see the true inner-light of all creatures, when using the normal senses we see only the reflected light upon objects because they become visible to our sight.
We all have a set of inner senses that are one with light. They become activated when you have the awareness that they exist and begin to utilize them. The choice is whether we choose to perceive things by their outer natures or by their inner natures.
Inwardly there are many aspects of light; there is spiritual light, emotional light, mental light, vital light and physical light. Light is always present unless we cut ourselves off from the light. Total existence is bathed in light and we can never be further from or nearer to any essential element needed for our survival. It is our choice whether we see the light, live in the light and shine our light.
To inspire and empower.
For health information go to World Research Foundation at www.wrf.org
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