An old teacher made the statement regarding some people he had met, “there was only a few times that a spark passed out of them, yet they exist as a flint, while they should be a sun.’
Another philosopher said, “We are partial and only pick like birds, a crumb here and there. Though the world is full of food, we can take only a few vibrations that reach us while we are deaf to all the thunders around us. Perhaps creatures live with us which we never see, because their motion is too swift for our vision.”
Sir Thomas Browne said, “the severe schools shall never laugh me out of the philosophy of Hermes, that this visible world is but a picture of the invisible, wherein, as in a portrait, things are not truly, but in equivocal shapes, and they counterfeit some real substance, in that invisible fabric.”
Another philosopher said, “What is life but the angle of vision? A person is measured by the angle at which he looks at objects. What is life but what a person is thinking about all day? This is his fate and employer. Knowing is the measure of the person. How much we know, so much we are.” What we relate to, is our life!
As Emerson said, “Our eating, trading, marrying and learning are mistaken by us for ends and realities, whilst they are properly symbols only; when we have come, by a divine leading, into the inner firmament, we are apprised of the unreality or representative character of what we esteemed as final activities.”
The richness, depth and expansiveness of our life is determined by the activities that we relate ourselves with during our daily activities. When we observe from our spiritual center within, rather than just allowing the refracted light on outward objects that strike our eye, to be what we ‘see,’ than the more encompassing angle will provide us that vision that all the great philosophers, seers, teachers and religious figures had in the past.
This is why the first paragraph is really meaningful. Plato said that we don’t learn anything new, we live to awaken that which we already know. All is in the ALL, and the All is in the All. You are that Grandeur of which the wise one’s speak, and you are that evolved One of which you seek.
May your day be filled with LEFL (laughter, excitement, fun and love).
To inspire and empower.