In today’s world the term imagination has connotations far different than in ancient times. Today we say that someone is just imagining something as if it is fantasy and unreal. The ancients described idle, delusional and misplaced thoughts as fantasy. Imagination was considered by the ancient philosophers as an important tool and our greatest gift from God.
The ancients held that the imaginative faculty was more than just a creating device, it allowed an individual to come into a sympathetic relationship with the forces that sustain all of creation.
Following the concept of the macrocosm and microcosm, the ancients believed that under the law of sympathy, placing your imagination in resonance with aspects of the universe, that an individual could experience the universe without traveling into the cosmos.
What you can imagine, you can experience. Through the use of imagination, people can experience the past, broaden their knowledge and awareness in the present and experience the future. Through the imagination we are able to come into contact with forces and energies that had been unknown.
There is a fine line between fantasy and the manner in which the ancients used imagination to recognize and explain the workings of the physical world and myriad of unseen dimensions.
No great scientist, philosopher, or thinker has been deficient in imagination. Without the use of our imagination we chain ourselves to what already exists. With creative imagination we obtain greater achievements and continue to grow toward the universal archetypes. If in fact there is any limit to what can be attained and what the ultimate archetype might actually be.
“Imagination is like a miner who is digging out of the unknown earth of space, hidden precious ideas.” Imagination was likened unto magic because the root of magic is found in the word imagination. Whatever we can conceive as a creative experience within ourselves, we become like it and become into resonance with the idea.
“If we can dream true, we are true, and if we can imagine correctly, then we possess these things which we have imagined or we might say we are possessed by them.”
Human beings have a part of them die when they give up or lose the ability to imagine. Without imagination people settle back into a humdrum monotony that is the present and the future does not hold much difference for them.
Many years ago I read an article that spoke about how to program your dreams. If you like skiing, the article went on to say, then bombard your daytime consciousness with books, magazines and movies about skiing. More than likely your dreams would be filled with skiing. But we’ve taken a tool that has great capabilities and shackled it. It is the same with the imaginative function. We can bombard our imagination with morbid thoughts and destructive imagination and we begin creating what we imagine.
The training of the imagination was considered a sacred art by some ancient philosophers. Creative imagination releases people from misery and their own fears and fills them with hope. Opening up the imagination to its fullest function allows the imagination to become in sympathetic resonance with everything at all levels and dimensions.
When an individual builds his philosophy that within the universe all things are good and have a purpose, he will create around him, a world of good. If a person is convinced that everything around him is bad and evil lurks around the corner, the individual will reinforce his inner imagination and create this fulfillment within his own life.
“The positive pole of creativity is imagination and the negative pole is delusion.” We become that which we resonate with. “As long as a person is challenged by the visions of his own inner life, pressed on to make dreams come true, he finds the greatest of all arts, magic is the art of dreaming and the use of imagination.”
I’ve read some very complimentary remarks regarding my posts. The words I share in my posts comes from the thoughts of philosophers from the past, sacred writings, my inner spiritual guidance, through my dreams and visions and my own conscious structuring of the various subjects. I appreciate your kind words. I don’t always give the names of the authors of some of the thoughts, but following a particular line of teaching, it is not important who says something, it is more important what the message is. Does something ring true for you? That is what is important.
In ancient times something was important because of what was said, today something is given more importance because of who says it.
To inspire and empower.