Montaigne said, "Look into yourself, discover yourself, keep close to yourself…it is other people and situations that steal you from yourself."
Another philosopher wrote that a "person looks upon himself as a mere circumstance and not as the solid, adamant, mundane ground plan of the real universal person that resides within." Could it be what several of the ancient philosophers stated, "The experiment of the philosopher is that life is but a separation from a higher reality meant to bring within his optics the comprehension of a fact that a greater self resides within."
The ancient teachers shared that all greatness must come from internal growth. Seneca said, "He is most powerful who has power over himself." Emerson said, "It is in thus trying your powers and bringing out each one in order until the whole moral person lives and acts and governs the animal part."
We are all richer than we can imagine and believe that we are. We are taught that others know more than us, that we must go 'out into the world' and find the secret, and most times to rely on someone else’s judgement rather than our own.
Life is a schoolroom where we experience many lessons and have the opportunity to demonstrate our spiritual awareness. Benjamin Franklin said, "This life is rather a state of embryo, a preparation for life. A person is not completely born, until he has passed through death."
I shared on a previous post, "The world is an echo which returns to us what we say…and think." The storms of life that ravish us on the outside are often the echo of the storms that rage within.
George Fox said, "For if their eye was to him, the students would never come to their own teacher.” Another teacher stated, "A person’s self travels ghost-like with him." "Nothing is gained by admitting the omnipotence of limitations."
The "pleasure of life is according to the person that lives it, and not according to the work or place. Life is an ecstasy." Emerson said, "As every wind draws music out of the Aeolian Harp, so whatever the person does or whatever befalls him, opens another chamber in his soul, a new thought, a new organ. He extends the power of his mind over every cubic atom of his native planet, himself."
I am not saying that the experiences that we face are not real. Through our understanding of what rippling vibrations are taking place within that has caused us to face this storm without, will have a profound effect upon our present circumstances and future experiences.
When you can change your internal atmosphere then you will see a corresponding change in the outer world. As my teacher Mickey has shared with me; ingest some laughter, excitement, fun and love (LEFL) and look upon me; let me make you smile when the going gets tough.
Love, light and best wishes to all.
To inspire and empower.