In 1876, Babbitt wanted to prove that clairvoyance and X-Ray vision was possible for all people, when they came into rapport with a grade of light that was so fine it could penetrate opaque bodies and show the interior of all things. To support his theory, Babbitt referred to the discovery of the Roentgen or X-Ray, as well as Edison’s discovery that the light of fluorescent screens could penetrate the body.
“At last we come to a triumphant series of facts in the proof of the fine fluidic forces which constitute the inner soul of things, and also in corroboration of the etherio-atomic law. By their aid we may ascend toward the key-stone of the great archway of power, and deal with those more subtle laws and potencies of vegetable, animal, human and even world-life which are revealed by the higher grades of light and color.”
“Baron Reichenbach, one of the most eminent scientists of Austria, made the discovery that a fine force issues from all known elements and substances, and appears in beautiful lights and colors which can be seen and felt by persons he called sensitives.” “…Reichenbach instituted thousands of experiments which extended over years of time and he discovered the subtle power he named Od, or Odic Force, or Odylic Force.”
“I think we may easily see the inner meaning and potencies of the odic colors, and ascertain their scientific bearing in a way which Reichenbach himself was unable to without these aids of screens and devices….every color must ever work after the same law, the only difference being that a color of a finer grade has a softer and more penetrating power than the same color of a coarser grade, and has also a greater influence on the physical system.”
While he lived in India, Dinshah Ghadiali, the wonderful developer of the Spectro-Chrome system of color therapy would be inspired by Babbitt’s book and eventually develop a 12-color system of healing that would be used by more than 500 doctors in the U.S. Hundreds of thousands of people would be influenced by Dinshah’s color system.
“Shall we dare to open still another door farther within than the mere realms of physical life? Nay, shall we approach the holy of holies and stand in the very presence of MIND? We gaze in awe upon a great temple, a mountain, an ocean, a world. But INTELLECT is greater than these for it can measure and weigh the worlds themselves and sweep a thousand times beyond their orbits. Intellect, or mind, is the soul manifesting through the body, and the soul being a spark of the Infinite, is itself infinite.”
Babbitt stated, “In the year 1870 I commenced cultivating, in a dark room and with closed eyes, my interior vision, and in a few weeks or months was able to see those glories of light and color which no tongue can describe or intellect conceive of, unless they have been seen. Do you say it was imagination? But no mere imagination can come half way to the reality of these things. Imagination itself must construct the warp and woof of its fabrics out of realities.”
“I have witnessed what has been called marvelous decorations in the museums and palaces of Europe, but none of them are fit to be spoken of in comparison with these peerless colors and exquisite forms. Then when I opened my eyes upon the sky and earth around me after seeing these, the sky and earth seemed almost colorless and dim and feeble. The sky no longer seemed blue, but blue-gray.”
“I saw so many grades of violet and indigo of wonderful depth, and blue and red, and yellow, and orange, more brilliant than the sun, seemingly hundreds of different tints, hues and shades which could be easily distinguished apart….finally I concluded that we have the basic colors in external nature, though so feeble comparatively, that we scarcely know what color is.”
“Sometimes fountains of light pour toward me from luminous centers merging into all the iridescent splendors on their way. Sometimes radiations would flow out from me and become lost to view in the distance….What was more marvelous than almost anything else was the infinite millions of radiations, emanations and luminous currents which at times I could see streaming from and into and through all things, and filling all the surrounding space with lightning activities.”
”Thousands of persons are able to see these finer grades of colors, and some much more easily than myself. Some can see them with the eyes wide open in broad daylight and that while in the midst of company or surrounded by the turmoil of daily cares. Mrs. Minnie Merton, of New York informs me that she has always seen them from her childhood, emanating from all human beings, and is in the habit of reading the character of people especially from the emanations of the head.” “A well-known judge informed me that he could often tell the general character of a speaker’s thoughts before they were uttered, from the colors of the emanations.”
“An eminent physician stated to me that he could see countless flashes, radiations and explosive forces all around the head, and that the ganglionic centers often emitted an explosive light, especially under excitement.” Regarding Babbitt’s book, “There is a little Truth in everything, and everything is a little of Truth.”
Trust yourself and what you see because all things are possible.
To inspire and empower.