People have their own opinions, viewpoints, perspectives and might hear things differently than the original author. There is no right or wrong. Each avenue we pursue leads us to different learning experiences in this classroom. Not only might there be different lessons but different discoveries can be made based on different interpretations.
In an early post I mentioned J.R. Newton, he helped 250,000 people through the power of love. In his autobiography in the 1870s he stated that it was his studying of the scriptures that led to his life’s work. He believed that Jesus’s ministry was a ministry of pure love. Newton honed his philosophy, and based all of his life activities on the demonstration of love. Love in thought, works and deeds. Even when he was not working with others, he poured love out throughout each day.
Around the same period that Newton was active, P.P. Quimby, who many consider the father of the New Thought Movement, was working with more than 25,000 people. Quimby stated in his writings that through studying the scriptures he found that Jesus had come to teach a science of healing. Quimby based his philosophy on the concept that often Jesus stated that the level of one’s results were based on their belief and faith. If they had strong enough faith then healings would take place to the level of their belief. If there was non-belief, then no mighty miracles could be seen. Quimby has a very thorough philosophy regarding thoughts, belief, sickness and cure. We create what we think. It is not what is said, but what we believe was said, that leads to our creation of thought forms that then manifest into solid physical reactions.
The point of all of this is that our perception and interpretation is what leads to each outcome. The original writer, speaker, or person performing an action, might have had a particular thought or concept in their mind that they were trying to share. Your interpretation might lead you to another place that was not anticipated, recognized or known by the author. It’s all a part of creation and we shouldn’t shy away from new ideas and discoveries that come from within. We should also observe what we might have created in our physical body and mind due to our interpretation. We are creators! To inspire and empower.