A little science today…
In 1936, two physicists at the Biological Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York, reported that red blood cells in the bodies of people and animals carry enough electricity to light up a lamp.
They reported their findings at the American Physical Society in Rochester, New York, stating that the red blood cells carry a surface charge of 15,000,000 electrons.
They stated that, ‘if the charges from blood of a full-grown person could be collected and made to pass through a 25-watt electric bulb, it would burn for at least 5 minutes.’
In another research center in 1936, Prof. Harold Saxton Burr and Dr. R.G. Meader, both from Yale University School of Medicine, stated that wherever there is life, electrical phenomena would also be found.
Burr and Meader discovered that during the instant of ovulation in a cat or rabbit; during various times of a women’s menstrual cycle; during the appearance of cancer and throughout the healing process; minute variations of electric voltages in the body could be found and measured. The voltage changes were not chaotic currents but currents organized into very definite patterns, associated from species to species and characteristic to some specific action. They stated that the electrical changes were as precise as 'fingerprints.'
The Yale physicists went on to say that it is possible to map out the electrical currents of the entire body of a person, in the same manner as a geophysicist maps the surface of the ground for hidden ore.
Their continued studies in the late 1930s and early 1940s showed that 'taking readings from any two points of the body reflect not only what is going on in the immediate vicinity of those points, but also the TOTAL health activity of any person or animal.'
During their research in the 1930s, the goal of Burr and Meader was to prove that there is a dynamic field of electrical activity, both within and surrounding all physical objects, and that these fields would provide the answers to how 'an animal grows from a single egg into a multiple-celled adult in the midst of the rapidly changing chemistry of development.'
While there are changes of chemistry that are involved in the human body, it is electrical fields that have the greatest impact and influence on the human body. The medical approach, for many of our debilitating health problems, should be through the use of electromagnetics.
A perusal of the work of several researchers from the 1930s through 1950s will show that these physicists had mapped out voltage changes in the body, from normal to abnormal, before and during the onset of different diseases and illnesses. Other researchers showed that through the use of electromagnetic frequencies, they could reverse health problems from dis-eased to a more normal condition.
Dr. Burr was able to determine where a cancer tumor would develop within a human or animal body well before there was any measurable visible evidence or current tests that would show the presence of cancer.
The solutions for many of our health problems are not, 'just around the next corner;' we may have already passed the most effective solutions, without realizing them. We are journeying within electromagnetic vehicles (human body) during our life, and with the proper attunement, our bodies can be strong, healthy and beautiful.
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The Cast Off Cell
The picture of the cell might seem complicated, but the implications are amazing.
Once again energy medicine is validated when cancer can not only be detected, but a cast off cell tells where the cancer is located. All of this accomplished in a non-invasive manner.
From Science, July 2, 1954 Vol. 120
“A preliminary report of a new test for uterine and cervical cancer was made to the Chicago Gynecological Society by S.A. F. Lash and Ralph W. Gerard of the University of Illinois, and G. Falk of the University of Chicago. The test, a simple one, involves measuring the electrical potential difference between the inside and outside of single cells cast off from the vaginal tract. The measuring technique is one that Dr. Gerard has used for many years in his basic research in nerve physiology."
"The positive and negative readings, when properly interpreted, were found to reveal whether the patient had cancer of the uterus or of the cervix. In the first series of 57 cases, the test indicated that 20 of the women had cancer; 18 of these latter were proved to have cancer, and two really did not. The test showed that 35 women did not have cancer, and it was right in every case. In further trials, there has never been a false negative test, and the positives were about 94 percent correct.
It is hoped that the new method will make earlier diagnosis possible. However, the report stresses that the test is purely in the research stage; it will not be known for at least a year whether it will be worth using clinically.”
I especially find the last sentence interesting, "…whether it would be worth using clinically."
This test is non-invasive and has a success rate that is statistically very high! There was never a false negative. Dr. Gerard had published 500 scientific papers with 9 books on neurophysiology. This research project was never mentioned again.
Just a little science validating how electrical we are! I hope this provides some illumination.
Shared with love, in love and through love.