In pairs we walk, the inner and the outer. Loosen the bond of the physical self and allow the freeing of the inner. You move in two worlds, two selves, and two states of being with what appears a flickering flame across the boundary.
Transmute the inner to the outer, the gross is lost and then the subtle moves and speaks. A great alchemy is made.
The Hierophants knew the secrets of transmutation. Duality and opposition of forces hold matter together. Polarity, attraction and repulsion are a part of this reality. Opposites? Not really. All is the same substance but different in degrees. What is cold, what is hot? Everything is relative. 85 is hotter than 80 but it is cooler than 90.
The world is a pathway of mirrors that the soul observes. You watch yourself at all times during all your activities and most important, during your re-actions.
The law of contradictions…opposites…opposing forces always meet. Materiality is the dynamic tension of opposites. You have a part that is above/outside this dynamic tension.
It is not the gross, but the subtle that is important. Energy permeates all form. You are energy that is created through love. All beat with the same rhythm, a spark from the Creator.
I made a vow when I came to FB two years ago to post as much positive and loving energy that I could.
The fabric of time is your mortal body. Lift the veil of this aspect of yourself and view with the greater vision that you possess. Behold the Universe.
When you can look at each in their essence…when physical characteristics are not so important. When a diamond is a stone and money a piece of paper. When you see the body is just clothing, then the ancient teachers say most lessons are learned.
Spinning balls, of light you be,
Created from God’s, loving energy,
Placed on earth, to walk the land,
A greater awareness, is the plan,
Trials occur, to make you see,
More than physical, that you be,
Can you walk, with peace and love?
Living those precepts, learned from above,
Your path may bring you, face to face,
Deeper understanding, of the human race,
Beyond the physical, can you see?
You’re a living Spirit, of Eternity.
With love, in love and through love to you.
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