“There is a fine old story about a student who came to a rabbi and said, ‘In the olden days there were men who saw the face of God. Why don’t they any more?’ The rabbi replied, because nowadays no one can stoop so low.”
As we have looked to measure and define those aspects of life that are readily evident we have closed off a greater awareness that humans once possessed.
The poet Novalis, in the 1800s, wrote in his story of the blue flower in his book, Heinrich von Ofterdingen, “In olden times the whole of nature must have been more alive and conscious than it is today…so it was possible for ingenious men to do things and produce phenomena which we now consider altogether, incredible and fabulous.” Since we no longer communicate with Nature, the spirits of Nature have backed away from making themselves more evident.
“Thus it was in very ancient times, in the lands which are now Greece, so travelers say who have heard these tales told there even today by the peasant folk. There were people who were able to apply the strange sounds of their marvelous instruments in such a way as to waken the secret life of the forests, the spirits hidden in the tree-trunks; they could revive the dead seeds in barren wastelands so that gardens would blossom forth…”
“They tamed terrible beasts and they could transform raging torrents into still waters, and transport even dead stones in regular dancing motions.” “The essences within objects revealed their inner virtues and those who would listen learned the healing powers of numbers, plants and all creatures.”
Everything moves in nature. The motion of vibration came into being at the time of Creation. All objects at an unconscious level carry the knowledge of their origin and function. The different rates of vibration create the shapes, sounds, colors, tastes and odors that we perceive.
“Some frequencies create forms and move in cyclical patterns that we cannot immediately perceive because they operate on a different wavelength than we do.”
It is through mental means, such as meditation, we have the ability to change our frequency. WE can learn to match our vibration to the vibration of something else that we wish to become in resonance with. We can slow our vibration down to the rate of the stone people and learn the wisdom that rocks has accumulated.
WE can speed up our rate of vibration and come into contact with the spirit world. Our mind and emotions are tools that allow us to create astral vibrations that create an energy that travels throughout the cosmos the same way that sound and light vibrate.
It is through the use of vibrations that things can be made manifest in the physical realm. The manner in which this is accomplished is through the proper state of consciousness. We have been creating and manifesting many things in our life that we have not realized we brought upon ourselves. When we use the wisdom of our heart and align with the divine laws of our reality, we produce the highest manifestations within our life.
We are ultimately responsible for the results in our life and whatever action we take and whatever manifestations we make.
The potential exists in every atom to function at its perfect state. Our thoughts create the energy fields that affect our bodies, our environment, and our lives for the highest and best or something vibrating at a lower frequency. Through our choices, actions, and thoughts we alter the rate of how the atoms vibrate in our body.
Nothing is static or inanimate in the cosmos. Spiritual unfolding is the awareness of our ability to manage creative energy. I began the post with some thoughts regarding ancient stories of how people could interact with nature and animals. Today we have discovered how to map and measure the physical reality we see and touch; the ancients knew how to come into resonance with the energy that creates and animates physical objects.
Today we are accustomed to relying on technology for our well-being. We use our rational minds to explore. The ancient Egyptians attempted to come into resonance through altered states of consciousness. The wonder workers from ancient times realized that we possess a gift of unlimited potential. They realized that through our inner awareness all things were possible.
Were all of the ancient stories just myths? Or did these ancient teachers tap into and utilize a greater awareness that we all possess? We have glorified the outer and as a result, we have gone through a process of atrophy within.
Our poet Novalis said, “One should, when overwhelmed by the shadow of a giant, move aside and see if the colossal shadow isn’t merely that of a pygmy blocking out the sun.” The true depths of our spirit is unknown to us. The mysterious way leads inwards.
With love, in love and through love.