I would like to share some of my experiences regarding dreams. While reading this post, please remember our FB family mantra…what one can do we all have the potential to do.
I mentioned in an earlier post that I was told by a Cherokee Indian that my future guidance would come in dreams. At 23 that seemed strange since I didn’t put much credence and often couldn’t make sense from what I remembered in the morning. It took one week after my meeting to remember my first dream. The dream was regarding some teammates I had played with on an indoor volleyball team three years previously. The dream inferred that one of my teammates was disturbed about my demeanor when we all played together.
Now we had spoken several times and visited together over the last three years but my friend had never said or hinted that anything was bothering him. Due to the content of my dream, I decided to call my friend, even though my mind was saying, what are you doing? He is going to think your’re crazy.
I called him up, and asked, ‘is there anything bothering you about me? He said no the first three times I continued to ask, and then he said, ‘what’s the matter with you Steve, are you crazy? I don’t know why I said this, but I did… ‘I want to be a better person.’ He then said, ‘there is something that has bothered me.’ He related the exact wording and image that the dream had pointed out.
I was shaking a bit and I said to him, ‘thank you, I want to be a better person.’ After that I had five and six dreams a night on every phase of my personality. Then I began to receive telephone numbers in my dreams and when I would call the number someone would say they were waiting for me with something. Dreams would point out places to go throughout the world and something would be waiting for me.
Over the years I have received a lot of information through dreams regarding events taking place in the future. Some of the dreams of the future were so exact that I found it hard to believe that these things had not already taken place…how else could they be so perfectly shown?
Now there is a lot a lot of written information concerning dreams and dream interpretation is an important aspect of psychology. Jung, Freud and Edgar Cayce have a lot of information about dreams and there are hundreds of books on dream interpretation. My photos show a couple of our books. Dream interpretation dates back to 1500 BC and you see a picture of the Healing Temple of Aesculapius where potions were given so patients would dream and receive information for their healing.
We know that all of us dream and research has shown that people have an average amount of dreams per night and if you miss some dreams, due to not sleeping or not sleeping well, we seem to make up for the lost number.
I had an unusual dream where I was sitting in a barber chair which was reclined and there were several people discussing what dreams they were going to give me during the night. I actually heard them discussing the topics and I had dreams that night on the subjects that they mentioned. I felt that I should refer to the person in charge of my night guidance as My Dreamer.
When I first started working with my dreams I was told to simply keep a legal size pad next to my bed with a pen or pencil. When I would awake from a dream I would not open my eyes and would not turn on a light, I would write and slowly move the pad up as I wrote and then read it in the morning. If I had a long dream or several dreams I would just lift the paper over the top of the pad and continue writing.
I was told by my Dreamer that everyone can receive in-depth information but most do not make an effort to really pay attention or they believe that they don't believe they can receive guidance through their dreams. By keeping the pad nearby you are making the definite commitment that you want to be in touch with your higher guidance and by having an expectation that guidance is possible, you will begin a process of making a connection. The depth of information coming through depends upon your intent.
I would remind you of that motivating motto, ‘Just Do It.’ Know that we all dream and we all have this important conduit to higher consciousness, higher spiritual awareness and what some refer to as Source. We have several hundred books on dreams and of course I could share stories of how scientists completed formulas and discoveries through dreams. Poets and writers were given their entire stories through dreams. People were given ideas through dreams and invented products, devices and systems in areas that they had no previous expertise. Of course our religious books are filled with stories of the heroes who received guidance that came through dreams.
Through dreams lost items have been found and people have had contact with loved ones that have passed to the other side of the veil. Yes, all of this is true. What dreams may come?
It is becoming more and more difficult to receive good information from sources that used to be considered fair and dependable. We have a lot of misinformation on the internet, we have people in positions in religious, political and social institutions that sometimes give very questionable information and guidance. For help with interpretation when the dream is not direct, choose a book of interpretations that feels right or jumps out at you from a shelf. Before some may ask me, I started out with, ‘Dreams Your Magic Mirror,’ by Elsie Sechrist. Please see what book resonates with you.
It is time to go directly to your own source. It is time to trust and believe that there is a very important aspect to why you dream that goes far beyond what is discussed in psychology. Yes, dreams can be like an onion skin. One can be venting from frustrations, living out fantasies and having communication between aspects of you consciousness. All true. But there is so much more to our dream mechanism.
Many people have asked, are we just thrown into this earth experience and expected to somehow survive and figure it out by ourselves? If reincarnation is a fact, why don’t we really know who we have been in the past and what karma we might have accumulated and are working out in this living?
This information is available. I have been shown several of my past lives in dreams and been given explanations as to what I did in those livings. Interestingly enough, I knew it was me because I saw the eyes of the person I was then, and I just knew. Many philosophers, teachers and regular folks have known many of their previous lives from dream information. SO CAN YOU IF YOU DESIRE IT.
Specific dream information is received when you have the desire to know and have the patience to wait. If you ask for bread you are not given a stone. It is true that you can jam your consciousness during the day, with everything about skiing, and have skiing dreams throughout the night. But you can also go to bed with an understanding that you have a connection to a sacred conduit that connects you to the infinite. To read about the history of the sacredness of dreams, “The Secret History of Dreaming.’
I mentioned on my previous posts my information is about what WE ALL CAN DO. We all have this conduit and I am telling you, I am sharing what I have been told, that especially now in the world, we must learn to listen, to bring ourselves back to the understanding of who we truly are. This post is to encourage YOU to expect and desire more from your dreaming. It is not about my experience, IT IS ABOUT YOU!
With love, in love and through love.