The influence of astrology was based on the fact that humans are filled with stars and by virtue of these internal stars, human beings are bound to the majesty of the cosmos. It is the interior stars that are effected by the planetary influences in the cosmos.
Nothing is hidden in nature that the human mind cannot ultimately discover. There is nothing in the farthermost part of space that human consciousness cannot search out and understand. Through the diversity that takes place within a human being the ancients were able to understand the outward nature of reality.
One of the first great mysteries that was taught in the ancient temples was the capability of human beings to ultimately understand all things. Our current reliance on tools outside of ourselves has helped keep many of our great abilities in a dormant state.
The universe is one vast electric and magnetic structure, a universe of frequencies. Metals and flowers of the earth gather up rays of the stars, and in this manner these objects provide an additional manner in which human beings can align with the greater cosmos through stimulation of their own internal foci.
This philosophy of correspondence might seem overwhelming to some, however when you think of a musician who would compose, he must be wise in the science of harmonics. Painters study the laws of drawing and combining colors in order to be proficient in their craft. All wisdom comes to those who are seeking and are willing to spend the time to apprehend greater truths.
One way of learning is through observation. The way of health is the way of nature, and that which conflicts with the nature of the body, leads to a conflict which creates a dis-ease or ill health, in the same manner that conflicting vibrations in nature cause storms that may cause destruction. It seems no matter how strong or powerful someone is, they must keep the laws of the universe, because no one is able to break the laws of nature and flourish.
A person's thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and imagination can cause obstructions that cut one off from the universal healing energies of nature. While we may seek the aid of someone to help us regain our health, if we do not change our beliefs, if we have not addressed the cause, then the effect will manifest once again. An old saying from the past was, 'let no one who can be his own, belong to another.' We each have unlimited abilities and the capabilities of manifesting that which we desire.
“The mysteries of the great and the little world are distinguished only by the form in which they manifest themselves; for they consist of one substance, and are aspects of One Being.”
“ALL is in all, and all is in the ALL.”
To inspire and empower.