Some of the ancient, mystical-medical-philosophers, assumed that health was the normal state of people. They realized that the way of health was the way of nature and actions and activities that conflicted with nature destroyed health. No matter how strong or powerful a person might be, one must keep the laws of nature and the universe. The wise ones of the past realized that no person could break these laws and still flourish in perfect health.
It became clear to the old wise philosophers that as people became more engrossed with the lore of the accomplishments of mankind and began leaning on people-made ways, people broke faith with nature and with that, they broke faith with Health.
In ancient times, spas and health centers provided regimes focusing on preventive medicine. Hygiene, natural science and various therapeutic methods were developed to keep people in a healthy state so that might handle those activities that confronted them on a day-to-day basis. Even more important than these physical regimes was the understanding that the mind played an important part in health and well-being. As early as 1520 there are references in writings using the word somatic referring to an understanding of a power of the subconscious affecting the personality and health. In far distant civilizations in the past, various aspects of the subconscious and super-conscious were used within the mystery schools.
The group of fire-philosophers of the 1500s and 1600s believed in the theory that obedience to nature is the beginning of health, and the recovery of obedience to nature is the beginning of the restoration of health, once it has been lost.
Another basic formula of these medical philosophers was, that an individual is primarily sickened by himself and not by outward circumstances. Generally the person who acts as a victim, or the individual who is always evading their responsibilities, or the individual who justifies their being ignorant of the right and true action to take, was the individual who became ill. The philosophers had discovered though observation that it is not always outside pressures or circumstances that bring a disease or illness to an individual, but how the individual reacts which leads to their sickness.
The old philosophers discovered that an individual locked within his own personality, the secret to his own health. “The average individual as he grows older closes the windows and doors of his own mind, of his own soul, limiting himself by his philosophy, isolating himself by attitudes of prejudices, until finally in older years he stifles himself to death, always blaming the world.”
“That which is closed leads to death. A closed mind destroys itself. A locked heart destroys itself, a nation which builds boundaries destroys itself, and political systems that are closed destroy themselves. Everything locked deprives itself of natural circulation upon which all life depends, and finally the corpse is a physical, inanimate object in which avenues to receive or give are closed and therefore the condition is termed death.”
The ancient philosophers after long periods of observation knew that there was a “Great Magical Agent,” the great power of health in the sphere of physical medicine was that intangible thing termed the human will. Wise observers had learned that an individual could believe anything and die of anything, but “the moment he believed in anything enough to do something about it, a dynamic action took place which led to a belief or conviction manifesting in the physical.”
The universal spiritual medicine was human will as an aspect of Divine Will. Now the ancient philosophers believed that the most obvious place where the Divine Will revealed itself was in nature itself and that obedience to nature is an individual’s first offering to the Divine Will. Also through observation it was noticed that a person’s own actions, a person’s way of life, a person who was living well, being a good citizen, and living a life of integrity, integrity meaning that they lived their philosophy and not just spoke about it, seemed to have a greater control over their health and well-being.
The term will power would be closely interchangeable with the concept of self-discipline. The will is the strength to do, the strength to keep the faith, control the appetite and ‘to moderate ambition.’ “The development of will power, the intensification and strengthening of character, gives an individual a vast advantage in terms of health, in terms of self-improvement in any walk of life.”
“Health, happiness and peace, these things which give people the richest life and give the spirit of people the richest rewards, come through moderation, and moderation is the individual overcoming any excess,” not only of physical appetites, but of some internal desires that might be out of balance.
“So will becomes the internal power within a person to keep the faith, to keep the peace, to keep the law, and to place under his own dominion his natural and inevitable reflections and reactions. It is the power of the individual to say, ‘I will not grieve beyond this point, I will not fear, I will not hate, I will not permit jealousy to live in my house any more than I would let a thief or murderer come under my roof.’” The Universal Spiritual Medicine is the Will.
When the spirit within an individual lives simply, naturally and lovingly, there you will also find health. Although I continued to use the term ancient philosophers and old philosophers in this post, these concepts are just as pertinent today.
To inspire and empower with love, in love and through love to you.