We are responsible for our manifestations. Your life and the way you live it is your biggest prayer. That prayer leads to a manifestation of that which you are. It is well to examine what you have created, because you may need to change it.
Many years ago I was visiting my mom and dad with a friend. My friend was using an iron on some clothing and got the iron to close to the pinky finger and immediately it created a large blister. Everyone turned to me and said, “Okay Steve, why don’t you see what you can do?”
I normally would not get involved but I said, okay. In a light-hearted and fun manner I walked over and touched her finger with my hand and in a couple of minutes she said the pain was gone. She then said she still had the blister. Something possessed my to pick up her hand and blow my breath over her finger. Within minutes the large angry blister disappeared.
A very close friend of mine told me about his friend, a Chinese man, who worked with arrangements of ‘energies and powers.’ A lady in this man’s locale, was opened up in surgery and it was discovered that she was covered head to toe with tumors. The doctors closed her up and sent her home. The doctor’s gave her morphine and hoped she would not suffer to long.
The woman contacted the Chinese gentleman and he came to her and told her that certain things needed to be moved in her home. She also needed to get different colors in the house. He then handed her a chip of wood. He told her where to put the chip of wood in a particular place. She did what she was told. She rearranged the house, changed the colors and place the chip of wood where he told her. Within a short time virtually all the tumors were gone including one of twenty pounds.
Now the tumor did not end up on the wood, but perhaps the energies and her thoughts behind the tumor did? It is always important that a person be willing to accept the responsibility for being healed. Many individuals have chosen not to be healed and not to accept the physical healing that is present here upon earth for them.
In situations where one is carrying and living a picture of dis-ease and illness, possibly given to them by others or through their own belief, their life is a manifestation of that same picture. Creating a new picture can alter the outcome. When an individual begins living their life as if only health and well-being are present that is the true prayer that will be answered. Think on this.
We are under the false impression that negative forces abound and someone else or something else has power over us and causes our difficulty. The power does not come from other individuals, the power exists in the Universe, for both good and less than good…and it depends upon how YOU use the power or energy. You do not alter it or create it, you only have the opportunity to use it. If you use it wisely, if you use it creatively, it will sustain you and keep you living in a youthful and healthy state.
Moses comes down from the mountain after seeing God. In the presence of the Pharaoh he asked his brother Aaron to toss his staff. It turned into a snake. The Pharaoh, unmoved, had his magicians toss their staffs upon the ground. Eventually the snake of Moses swallowed the other snakes. In using this energy that exists for all, a greater good supersedes something not of the highest and best.
When working with individuals we are not interested in the specific difficulty that the requestor might have. Their life is what they have manifested. We choose to see the individual in total perfection. We see, for just one quick moment, a picture of the individual in perfection when they were first sparked into existence at the time of their creation. If they are open then the picture of perfection supersedes their picture and they feel some movement and energy flow within themselves. The healing stream has been deflected for one brief moment.
Many people I speak with are so occupied with events and situations outside of themselves, situations in which at the moment they have little control, they fail to realize that these situations have created dis-ease and uneasiness within them resulting in their health problems.
We are all in control of our own well-being. We have unlimited abilities; we have access to many unimaginable energies that one can find upon going within and not being focused into what is without. I began this post sharing a personal experience that is not meant to have anyone contact me for healing, but to point out that many things are possible. Be in joy, be in love, have faith that all things are possible and if you are desirous of learning of what more is possible, don’t get totally focused into what is happening in the without.
To inspire and empower with love, in love and through love to you.