The ancient teachers believed that it was the will of nature that each person become their own physician. We all depend on others because of our lack of wisdom and understanding. By integrating our life around constructive and natural procedures, the average person will enjoy a greater amount of health and well-being.
Maintaining or restoring health comes from Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good deeds. The old Wise One’s believed that ailments begin in tension and any device or technique that reduces or removes tension was a valid therapy.
Adverse effects of tension or stress are noted first in digestion, assimilation and excretion. The body becomes toxic…a toxic body becomes poisoned…toxin in turn contributes to obstruction and the flow of natural and beneficial energies are impeded.
There is a vital essence of life that moves through not only the physical body, but there is a vital etheric counterpart called the vital vehicle.
The vital vehicle has countless streams of semi fluidic energy. When your arm or leg go to sleep it is a result of an obstruction of the vital vehicle. When a limb is amputated the etheric double remains and continues a sympathetic association with the dismembered part.
There was an account in the past of an individual who complained about his amputated leg that lay in buried in a wooden box. Upon digging up the box it was discovered that a nail in the box was stuck in the severed limb.
Energy that is derived from food is not actually always due to the digestion of a physical substance. All bodes exist because they are focal points of energy. Even medications that we use work due to the fact that they draw energy of a certain kind according to the nature of the remedy.
One of the Renaissance philosopher/physicians noted that remedies operate only within fields of suitability. A remedy given at a wrong time or to a wrong person, though the remedy was indicated as the treatment for the ailment, might fail to accomplish the desired purpose.
Preparation of food and of medicating drugs was important to many of the ancient teachers because they were careful not to destroy the energy-focus. They were against the de-nurturing of foods, over-refinement of products and they did not like adulterated products.
All energy is a life power of God and was considered sacred by the ancient teachers. Because of the love of the Creator, there is an immediate and available remedy in Nature for every in-harmony of the human flesh. Some of the remedies have not been discovered because researchers and physicians overlook natural remedies because they are too obvious and too simple.
We need to cultivate our intuitive powers as much as our analytical faculties. We must search until the proper medications of a non-destructive nature have been found for all physical ills. It was Paracelsus who said around 1520 that within every geographical area, God has provided a natural remedy within nature to address every physical ailment of humankind.
The ancient teachers believed that units of nutrition are like seeds with various layers surrounding their energy core. The body energy of sees feeds people’s body. The soul energy of seeds feeds people’s soul and the spiritual energy of seeds feeds people’s spirit.
The prime purpose of therapy is to supply a particular energy at a particular time to a particular part of the body. When the old teachers contemplated why there are imbalances in the human constitution they arrived at the following conclusions. Unhealthful attitudes, unhealthful environment and intemperance of one’s living style.
Imbalance leads to deficiencies. Although it is a common practice for many to say that their problems are due to heredity, the old wise teachers believed that one may inherit a tendency to ailments of his forbearers because of the body, but they did not believe one inherits energies deficient in themselves. All therapies should be rich in those things that will tend to build up deficient areas and neutralize imbalances.
There is a remedy for every human ill. All things in Nature are useful and benevolent in some way. All substances are of themselves good, unless they are distorted or disturbed through interference of people’s mind and emotion. That which is meat to one thing is poison to another.
Nature is the greatest cause and source of protection for ourselves. Energy patterns are eternal and energy contains within it a wonderful richness of energy that is the true food for our existence.
To inspire and empower; best wishes in love, with love and through love.