One should always give thanks for the unlimited supply that abounds and that is available for us to receive.
Most of us are bound by the barrier of what we see with our physical eye. The old philosophers taught that one must condition your mind toward the concept of unlimited supply. You must learn to break the barrier of limitation.
You must learn that you have what you want or need; not believe what you think you see. You receive what you see, you have access to all that you want.
Individuals in the past who have demonstrated so called miracles understood the concept that you must see your desire fulfilled and not see only what appears to you at the moment. The results, for those who understood this principle, manifested due to their expectation. When you learn to see plenty, using the vision of your higher awareness, then this vision will be fulfilled.
In our reality, that which is gazed upon is brought forth into our reality. If your gaze emanates from a greater vision, that to will also be brought forth.
You will manifest your desire, when you realize that it is possible, when you tap into the thought stream of unlimited supply that has been given to us upon this plane.
If you remember the movie, The Ten Commandments, Moses had come from the mountain and was speaking to the Pharaoh. In an early scene, Moses gave his brother his staff and had him place it on the floor. It turned into a white snake. The Pharaoh had his three servants place their staffs on the ground, they turned into three black snakes.
One interpretation of this event was that this example was to demonstrate that the energy of creating exists for all people. Intent and sure knowledge leads to manifestation. Continuing with the story, the white snake eventually swallowed the three black snakes. This was intended to show that the more positive intent supersedes a less positive intent.
Ancient teachers taught that by desiring to align yourself with the creativeness of the universe; by going within yourself and finding your own link, your own creative ability that those energies of the greater creativeness would then be added unto you.
All things are connected and are part of the one. When you conceive of yourself as being a part of the Great Light of love and creativeness, this light will intensify within you, and you will begin to radiate this same light. All of us can radiate the light because we are all of this light. Use your inner awareness to become aware of the light that shines within all things, including yourself; you are not given the light, you are the light.
There is no limitation to the light. By quickening the heart and heat of love that resides within you; by desiring to be of a helpful nature to others; by your desire to be a true steward to the planet and all life that resides upon it; by recognizing that all objects and forms contain the light of our Creator, then all things will become possible for you. You will recognize the unlimited supply that exists within the field of the Great Light and you will then manifest what you intend rather than what others just see.
To inspire and empower with love, in love and through love.