The ancient philosophers long held the belief, ‘that which is below is like unto that which is above, and that which is above is like unto that which is below.’ Through this analogy the ancients were able to understand the operation of the Grand World, the macrocosm, based on the patterns they observed in the small world or microcosm.
Philosophers such as Robert Fludd, Paracelsus, Jacob Boehme and other of the Rosicrucian philosophers believed the various worlds of matter operated following precise mathematical formulas and harmonies. They found repetitions of several basic geometric forms throughout the kingdom of trees, flowers, plants, ferns, snowflakes, people and the cosmos.
Throughout the visible universe as well as within the physical body, the philosopher-scientists found formal patterns that became obvious as they spent time in observation. These philosophers believed that all aspects of the material world are suspended within vast energy fields. The ultimate energy field encompassing all the energy fields is what some would refer to as God.
Following several of the ancient Egyptian beliefs, several alchemical medical doctors practicing in the 1500s believed that every geometrical form, which took on a symmetrical shape, carried various therapeutic powers that are part of a line of energy fields stretching from the big world to the small world. Every geometrical form in the macrocosm provides some type of energy that can be assimilated through the same geometrical form in the microcosm or within the sphere of earth.
All things of a similar nature resonate together, such as tuning forks. Through the construction of various geometrical shapes and the discovery of these shapes within nature, the ancients believed that they could capture and utilize the strong energies of the archetypes that existed in the Great World of creation.
The belief was that form and design captures and holds energy. Even a picture of a form carries a certain energy within it. A more recent philosopher, Manly Hall stated, “We made experiments with people observing a cube or sphere and measured, using sensitive electrical equipment, energy changes within their body.”
Pythagoras (525 B.C.) taught that if the correct form can be produced or found within nature, an individual could be healed through their eyes. The ancients knew that healing could take place through any of the following means: order, mathematical sequence, design, arrangement, color and sound.
Several of the old alchemists knew that figures, letters, designs and other tracings could also evoke energy patterns from the higher energy fields down to their patients. While it seems very simplistic, there is more to it than first meets the eye. Many talismans, geometric forms and color combinations have a certain power because of their effect upon the mind. This belief in the influence of geometrical shapes was so strong, that in several cities in ancient Greece, irregular shaped structures were forbidden to be built because of their possible negative influence upon the population.
There was a time in the past when the ancient Greeks believed that a human being could create a geometric form through their lifestyle. They believed that living a life of high integrity; purifying the body through diet and exercise; and desiring to align the self with the highest order of spiritual energies through their living a spiritual life, would lead an individual to a transcendence of their earthly self, and the individual becoming a mirror or embodiment of a higher order of spiritual awareness.
It is wise to consider that everything that we relate ourselves with, will have a profound effect upon our energy fields, and ultimately upon our life.
To inspire and empower with love, in love and through love.