George Lakhovsky (1869-1942) – In the early 1920s he developed an electromagnetic device he called a Multiple Wave Oscillator (MWO). The main premise of Lakhovsky’s theory is that every living being emits radiations. A driving force for the development of his MWO was Lakhovsky was told by doctors in 1911 that an illness he had would lead to a quick death.
What is disease according to Lakhovsky?
It is the oscillatory disequilibrium of cells, originating from external causes. It is, more specifically, the struggle between microbe radiation and cellular radiation. If microbe radiation is predominant, disease is the result, and when vital resistance is completely overcome death occurs. Lakhovsky believed that there are basic frequencies of energy for cells, tissues, and organs that are present when the body is in a healthy state. If the energy frequency of the cell drops to a level that is lower than a microbe that is attacking it, then the microbe begins to take over.
The Lakhovsky MWO was developed to broadcast multiple frequencies through the air to the cells located throughout the body in different organs. Lakhovsky believed that the cells were like miniature broadcasting stations and receiving stations for frequencies.
An article did appear in the New York Times on Wednesday, April 3, 1928 touting the great success of Lakhovsky with plants and animals and stated that there was no reason it would not be successful with people and might be used for cancer. He did cure cancer patients!
I read a book published in 1956 by astronomer John Pfeiffer, who was nicknamed the ‘Boswell of Radio Astronomy’, titled The Changing Universe. Pfeiffer pointed out that every human being is an emitter of radio waves. ‘Our stomach wall sends out not only infrared heat waves but also the entire spectrum of light – ultra-violet, X-rays, radio waves and so on.’ In 1956, Pfeiffer stated that the fifty-two foot aerial tower of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, the most accurately constructed aerial in existence, ‘…could pick up radio signals coming from a person’s stomach more than four miles away.’ Imagine what our technology could do today?
Lakhovsky’s idea was to send the cells of the body the frequencies they would normally be vibrating at in their healthy state. Cells that are diseased – that is, operating at improper frequencies – could then pick up their correct frequencies and align with them. Every ring on the antenna that you see in the picture, put out different, but specific frequencies for the various cells of different organs. Once the cells are at their correct frequency and healthy, they are stronger than the frequency of an offending microbe, bacteria, virus or other organism and the healthy body comes into ascendency.
For those of you who know of Royal Rife’s work… Rife devitalized or destroyed the viruses and cells while Lakhovsky encouraged cells to come back to their healthy state. The MWO is not attacking any microbe directly, it is not destroying any live tissue, but reinforces the vitality of the organism by accelerating the oscillation within the cell back to a healthy state.
Unfortunately for Lakhovsky who lived in France, when he published his book, ‘The Secret of Life’, the Germans were just invading France. Lakhovsky, who was Jewish, fled to the United States. His MWO was only used at one U.S. hospital in New York for approximately two years.
From a personal interview I made with a doctor who was at the hospital and worked with Lakhovsky, the MWO “virtually cleared out the hospital of all the patients with physical ailments.” Another book, ‘The Waves That Heal,’ by Mark Clement, also describes Lakhovsky’s theories in an easier and with less scientific terminology.
At age 72, in 1942, Lakhovsky was struck by a car while in the crosswalk in front of a hospital in New York. Three days later, he died of his injuries while in the hospital. The MWO seemed to fade into oblivion after his death.
Although I have secured medical articles from the 1930s from around the world regarding the successes medical doctors had using the MWO, I AM NOT recommending or endorsing any MWOs that are being sold. Please don’t post links for MWOs sold on the internet. There is a deeper point here regarding energy.
I have personally witnessed several hundred people and animals who received sessions with this device for problems with cancer, arthritis, ALS, burns, gangrene. ALL with successful results.
You also see a picture of a radionics MWO on my table. In other words it is a device that looks like the MWO but it has no physical internal electronic circuits. Using this device, I’ve seen it accomplish the same results as Lakhovsky’s machine. I’ve also seen most of these medical problems rectified through spiritual healing…and with spiritual healing all these difficulties rectified almost instantly. Again, please look deeper than just a post describing this device. My deeper purpose is to share about energy.
What the machine can do, SO CAN YOU. It is grasping the concept of energy that is the most important point I am attempting to share. Visualization and meditation can be directed toward boosting cell frequencies using mental awareness and visualizing the cells. Oh please open your awareness just a bit here…you can use the energy of sound, color and light and other electromagnetic frequencies both physically and generated from a higher state of awareness within yourself without physical objects. Yes, imagine the color, sound or whatever is needed.
In summation, the MWO is energy and assists healing. The radionics is energy and it assists healing. Our own spiritual dimension is energy and it assists healing. Isn’t life interesting and exciting!
On my post is the painting of Napoleon depicting an actual event where Napoleon came in contact with plague victims. He placed himself at a higher vibration than that of the plaque. His greater wisdom told him that his strength of mind, while having no fear, was greater than the frequency of the disease.
Remember the story of the pilgrim who was leaving Constantinople as the Plague was entering the city. The Pilgrim said, ‘why are you here?’ The Plague answered, ‘I am here to take 5,000 souls.’ The Pilgrim moved very quickly out of the area. The Pilgrim was returning to the city some two months later and again crossed paths with the Plague after 50,000 people had died. The Pilgrim said to the Plague, ‘I thought you said you came for 5,000 souls!’ ‘I did said the Plague. Fear took the rest.’ Once Fear lowers one’s vibrations…you now know what happens!
This is meant to inspire and empower with love, in love and through love.