I am very gratified by the response to my last post regarding Visualization of the Acupuncture Meridians or my post entitled, The Pictures Say It All.
The isotope/catscan picture in this post is injection of Te99 at the point “kidney 7” on both ankles and scanned up the legs to the knee. The flow is symmetrical in both legs of a normal subject. With patients with degenerative kidney problems the flow in the leg on the unhealthy side showed a scattered pattern of the Te99. These pictures reside in our personal files.
A patient comes into the hospital explaining what they are feeling; these doctors take a pulse diagnosis and attempt to narrow the difficulty to an organ or area of specific difficulty. The doctors then inject the isotope and take a picture of the corresponding meridian to see the amount of energy flowing to or from the organ. This will tell them to what degree the organ is operating.
If the doctors end up conducting a standard type surgery, they will take a picture of the migration of the isotope to and from the organ, to determine whether the surgery rectified the flow of energy and thereby the organ is operating efficiently. Here is where the East meets the West.
Of course if the patient is willing and the situation is correct they would attempt to rectify the situation without surgery.
Some additional findings. When they used laser stimulation at an acupuncture point and meridian on one leg, the other leg showed activity on the corresponding point and meridian on the other leg. This was discovered during other research using different carrier substances. Also, laser stimulation of the kidney points distal to the point of injection caused the flow rate to increase in both normal and degenerative conditions.
If a person had a kidney removed, the flow of the kidney meridian was blocked, and the flow migrated to the nearest ‘healthy’ meridian. Please continue reading as the rest of the post won’t be as technical.
Dr. DeVernejoul was the head of the atomic energy program of France between 1960 and 1964. He also was the head of the Biophysical and Nuclear Medicine departments of several different hospitals. His credentials take up several pages long but I believe you understand the background of this individual.
Dr. Darras was attached to several hospitals dealing with aerospace medicine, nuclear medicine and Biophysical research. Dr. Darras was also the President of the World Union of Acupuncture and several other European acupuncture groups. The doctors jointly had numerous journal articles published in medical and scientific publications.
Dr. Darras shared with me that several years earlier, he had to make a trip from Paris to a city in a neighboring country to deliver an early morning lecture. He needed to make the trip at night. Feeling very stressed, he placed several acupuncture needles at appropriate locations on his face and head. He forgot he had the needles on his face as he dashed to his car. In those days you had to stop at checkpoints and show your passport. When he arrived at the checkpoint, this was probably 1982, the border guard just stared at him for the longest time without saying a word. He just kept looking at Darras and looking back at his passport.
Dr. Darras said the guard finally said, is there something you need to tell me? Darras eventually remembered that the needles were sticking out of his face. The guard had never seen or heard of acupuncture.
During one of my stays at Dr. Darras’s home, several of the media in Paris called him up and asked for an immediate interview. It seemed that one of the prestigious medical magazines in the United States was claiming that is was possible that someone received AIDS from an acupuncture needle. Although I did not speak French, Dr. Darras explained to me what he was sharing with the French press.
He very calmly mentioned that in his practice, he used several needles per each patient. He mentioned that he had x number of patients per day and totaled up how many needles he used for a year. He then stated how many years he had been practicing. He then mentioned the number of acupuncturists throughout the world and their average years in practice and multiplied all of these numbers. The number was staggering. He then said, so someone believes that out of these millions upon millions of needles perhaps one might have effected someone? He then asked, ‘How many people have had difficulties from needles used in the hospitals?’
Some acupuncturists use many needles and some use just one or two. Darras was very savvy so I know he was using a higher amount to prove a point. The press left feeling satisfied with his response.
Dr. Darras was very spiritual and studied esotericism. Of course he, as many other people in esoterica throughout the world, had an edition of ‘The Kaybalion’, by the Three Initiates. “The lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding.”
With love, in love and through love to you. ick here to edit.