It has been almost 33 years since I was at Neckar Hospital in Paris, France, and witnessed Dr. DeVernejoul and Dr. Darras show first ever photos proving the validity of acupuncture meridians. Just three days ago I met a practicing acupuncturist, of more than twenty years, that was not aware of the work of these two aero-space nuclear medical doctors.
In 1980, Dr. Darras devised an experiment to test the validity of a postulated mechanism of energy transport along the acupuncture meridians. His experiment consisted of injecting various acupuncture points with Te99, a solution of isotope trace mineral, while filming with high speed catscan.
His results showed that the actual molecules of the radioactive material (as well as the carrier agent) were rapidly moving along the meridian directly to the organ which corresponded to the point injected. In some meridians 40% of the material was transferred within 12 seconds. In general the tracer moved about 3-5cm per minute.
As Dr. DeVernejoul, a member of the French Nuclear Regulatory Board and aerospace nuclear medical doctor, joined in the experiments, the two doctors found when they injected the Te99 at non-acupuncture points, the Te99 just formed a blob and didn’t move anywhere. Using the researcher’s terminology, “at acupuncture points, a linear migration is noted, while at non-acupuncture points, there was no migration. At placebo points there was also no migration.”
(You can see this demonstrated in the two pictures on my post. Please highlight them if the entire picture is not showing on your screen.)
Neckar Hospital in Paris is one of the premiere hospitals in France and the doctors conducted thousands of experiments in the five years before I met them. Interestingly enough, their experiments validated 100%, the exact meridian system drawings existing in Chinese writings from 3,000 years ago!
Their experiments proved that the Te99 was not following the lymphatic or vascular system.
Their papers were accepted in the French Academy of Science which holds an extremely high standard for inclusion. Their experiments and work has never been challenged.
There are several important points beside the obvious that obviously acupuncture is not in people’s imagination. How did the ancient Chinese map out these systems in the body? (Intuitively you say?) Also, acupuncturists did not need to have their field proven. But it has taken thousands of years for scientists to develop tools to see the subtle energy flows.
Those of you in the holistic, integrative and alternative medical field might want to point to this work when you meet some resistance. I still meet medical specialists who believe that acupuncture is just ‘in the mind.’ I also hear stories of how holistic practitioners, in other subtle energy fields, meet resistance and skepticism. Eventually more and more of these energies will ‘become illuminated’ as science develops better investigative techniques.
While many of us don’t need science to validate these energies in order for us to accept them, other people are in positions where some scientific proof will help them enormously.
I am happy to say that both doctors became friends of ours as well as Advisory Board members for World Research Foundation. We invited the two researchers to speak at our WRF World Conference in 1986 and videotaped their presentation regarding their work.
Their video presentation is available at
With love, in love and through love to inspire, empower and just plain share.
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