There is a visible light which we call brightness and an invisible light of energy within the visible light which goes unseen to our outer senses. The visible physical light is bright to our senses and the inner energy is a light that feeds our inner soul.
Visible light causes health and the invisible light causes wisdom. The light of:
Body – gives strength, energy, growth and development
Soul – Gives understanding
Mind – Gives wisdom
Spirit – Bestows truth.
These total aspects of energy are contained in every ray of visible light. When we look at a thing, we see either its objective physical form or we apperceive its inner light. Everything that lives, lives in light. Everything that exists, radiates light. All things derive their life from light. In this light is life itself.
There is… Spiritual light - Emotional light - Mental light - Vital light and Physical light.
People perceiving things may see them either according to their outward natures or according to their inward light. People perceive outward things by their own outward senses, and perceive inward things by their inward senses.
The heart has eyes as well as the body. The mind has ears, all internal parts of people have equivalent senses of cognition. People see life within nature because of the light that shines within it, and sees outward nature because of the light that shines upon it. By observation we behold things lighted, by intuition we behold things self-luminous.
Intuitively we behold the true inner-light of all things; outwardly we see only the reflection of light upon things by which they are visible to our sight.
All sensory perceptions depend on light. Perhaps the Polynesians use this same concept when they speak of manna, the mysterious spiritual nourishment which is the universal sustaining power. The Iroquois have a term called Orenda. The light of all things, it flows out and causes us to apperceive qualities not immediate available to our sensory analysis. It is the source of all existence.
Through the reflection of light we see: shape, color, number and arrangement.
Through the inner light we see: goodness, beauty, integrity and feel love.
We are surrounded by light, we are composed of light and we have the capacity to receive light and share our light with all other things in existence. Our choice is how we use our light and how we effect the operation of light in all things we come in contact with. Do we enhance the light in all things that we come into contact with or do we block the flow and operation of light in the world, through a desire of power, greed, control, ignorance and generally a lack of love?
Be the light, live the light and add your light-energy to the ever shining light of all life.
To inspire and empower.