The two pictures that you see were taken through the Nemescope in the 1950s. The Nemescope would be considered the most powerful light-source microscope ever developed. I currently have the Nemescope presentation book in my possession.
The pictures taken at 3,500,000 diameters show basic atomic and molecular groupings. Note the ‘energy lines’ that are revealed toward the nucleus of the atom. The picture on the left shows a substance in its strongest energy state.
The picture on the right shows unstable atomic structures and you can see the diffused energy connections or lines of force collapsing.
These pictures taken in the 1950s were before the advent of our modern computers and they are showing what no human eye has ever seen. It is the force or love of the Creator.
Many years ago my internal spiritual connections gave me a prayer to share in the healing of others. They said there is no greater demonstration of love than to help another and to aid in your healing work use the following prayer;
Oh Great Spirit manifest your loving energy to your children. Make whole this broken one. You are the Glue that binds all life together. You are the Force which drives all toward completion. You are the warmth that heats love, the Voice of thunder and the Light of lightning. For You, all is done.
The pictures that you see show pure energy or I would say the pictures show the Glue that binds all life together. All attraction of material form can be said to be an essence of love.
These pictures demonstrate in visible form an aspect of the Energy of Creation that our eyes don’t see. Metaphysicians and healers throughout time have been aware of the energies that are involved with physical and non-physical form. I hope that these pictures will be of interest in helping to visualize and conceptualize energies that can be reinforced and supported through your desire, love and intent.
Each of us has the capability of working with the energy that you see pictured in this post. We can have an effect upon this energy in several directions, both positive and less than positive. It is our choice in this reality how we will demonstrate and use the creative energies that we have been given by the Creator of the Creation. Creativity does not mean that one produces art, music or builds some object.
Using your gift of Creative Energy can be sharing loving intent in supporting, enhancing, encouraging and sustaining those actions or activities that boost the overall ‘spiritual’ growth of the planet.
To inspire and encourage.
With love, in love and through love. Enjoy your day.