The Butterfly and Healing
In perusing writings from some of the great healers from the past, they all tended to demonstrate some of the same principles and attributes.
Most of these men and women exhibited the precepts of Loving your neighbor and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Now of course these words seem to be very simplistic and have been known throughout the ages but the more successful healers did not just espouse these thoughts, they lived and embodied these thoughts.
Most healers recognize that when a person desires to be healed and comes freely, of their own will, we are almost certain to heal them, regardless of the disease they might have; but if they are brought, or really do not desire to healed because they have gotten to the state that they don’t believe they can be helped, most healers might not perhaps succeed.
Most of the highly successful healers had/have a strong Will-Power and feel that the ‘Power’ is with them. That ‘Power’ is an emanation of the Divine Mother-Father. Successful Healers know that the spirit is within them and also that each and every person that they come in contact with contains an emanation from the Divine Source that can be activated and intensified leading to a healing taking place.
One successful healer from the past said, “I endeavor to live such a life as to have confidence in myself and I have the evidence that when I speak to an assembly I carry the magnetic force and principle with the words I speak, so that each one shall FEEL in the recesses of his individual soul that I practice what I teach.”
So how is this ‘Power’ developed, where does it come from? The key is those simple words that we mentioned at the beginning of my message. Love each and every person that resides within your neighborhood. The more profound healers recognize their neighborhood encompasses everyone on the planet. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The more love, beauty, happiness and peace that you would like to receive within your life, you must put forth towards all of your neighbors.
Once you have lived the aforementioned precepts are you then given the ‘Power.’ No it is not given to you, it has evolved from within you like the transition of a caterpillar to a butterfly.
Now some healers from the past have described this ‘Power’ as feeling like a magnetic force. “I would be ashamed, if I was a speaker or preacher, to address an audience and have some of them go to sleep because of a want of magnetic force.” “One must have faith in himself and his ‘Power’ to have this influence; and whenever someone has this faith, REAL AND TRUE FAITH, the can accomplish any and all things.”
The use of the word magnetism or magnetic force should not be considered as just a blind or trite term. It was a manner of expressing a strong pull or force that could be felt. One healer stated, “I say I heal, but it is not me, it is the Divine Mother/Father that resides within me and that dwells within you just the same within me. We are one common brotherhood, children of one common Parents and we ought to love one another. If we could just all realize how we are spiritually connected.”
“This magnetism of love passing from one to another is an influence that is felt by susceptible persons. There is not one here present, but feels that I have love toward him, there is not one but feels there is in my expression, sincerity. I know that we are ever molding our faces in expression by our thoughts, deeds and motives.”
“I hold that the purer the life, the better the healer will be.” “If there is anyone here who wishes to be a healing medium, let him or her go to the sick and feel a good faith, with a strong, positive Will-Force, feel that all are your brothers, sisters and children; and they will be healed by the touch, when conditions be right they will be cured.” Now it is not necessary that a person must physical touch another person to activate the ill person’s inner healer, the magnetic force or ‘Power’ can reach any distance, go through any substance and still maintain the same strength.
One healer from the past stated that thoughts are like the aroma of a rose. You cannot see that aroma, but you can smell it. Thoughts permeate our atmosphere as an aroma and so we can be influenced by both positive and less than positive thoughts. “So we can think of a friend or foe with kind thoughts and good will, and desire to do them good and you WILL do them good and make them happy, or by thinking ill of them make them unhappy. Each one of you has the power to throw off a bad magnetism of anger, hatred or revenge. Do not do this, for what you sow, that you shall also reap, for these influences will all come back to you again.”
So perhaps now it makes sense that when you live a life of good will, sending love to all of your neighbors, treating each and every person as you would like to be treated…you create this beautiful atmosphere around your own self, your caterpillar morphs into a butterfly that has the ability to influence, heal and bring joy to others throughout the world. I have chosen the example of the butterfly because those individuals who truly carry and emanate the ‘Power’ also have a lightness of spirit. They flow effortlessly upon the loving currents of our Divine Parents and they can heal others with just a glance, thought and just being within their presence many people are healed.
All of you can become the beautiful butterfly that you are meant to become. Living life with a Beautiful Heart, an Open Mind and a Humble Spirit; loving all of your neighbors and treating each and every person that you meet in the same manner in which you would like to be treated, enlivens your ‘Being’ and you then attain the “Power’ to accomplish all things. In your faith that what I have shared is true, you shall know the truth, become the truth and all things will then become possible for you.
With love, in love and through love to you.