Many ancient cultures built idols and images created in the likeness of their Deities. In some ancient writings there are statements that some of the statues had almost life like energies. None of the advanced thinkers believed that the stone, marble or metal figures were actually deities, it was supposed to be a likeness or representation.
An old philosophical tenant from the hermetic philosophy said, ‘things alike cannot be kept separate, things not alike cannot be reconciled.’ Therefore when a form comes into harmony with an Archetype, there is a release of energy from the Archetype to the form that is consistent with it. The moment the form various from Archetype, the sympathetic bond is broken and the energy is no longer recorded on the object. Although the bond is broken, the energy from the Archetype continues to flow.
Pythagoras in 520 BC stated, “In the light of ancient sympathy, image was constructed with magical emphasis. The orders of architecture, shape of columns of a temple, its roof, dome, measurements, and dimensions, if accurately made, would capture the qualities of certain deities because of sympathetic affinity.”
The ancients believed that human beings had an Archetypal Man and Woman. It is the perfect man and woman. Paracelsus believed there was an archetype of the Perfect Physician. All of the people ascribing to this concept believed that there is a perfect Archetype for all material ‘things.’
So, if an image is constructed with perfect skill, it became sufficient, similar in principle, for which it stood and ‘sympathy could exist between the object and Archetype.’ Once in sympathy an object or person would receive energy form the original Archetype in whose image it is fashioned after.
Following along with this concept, if you have a person that you greatly admire, revere or hold in high esteem, the more you act in your daily activities, as that individual acted, you would become in accord with the energetic frequencies of that individual.
Wherever forms create harmonic patterns, they attune themselves to Archetypes just as two tuning forks of similar pitch. If one is struck, the other will sound.
Television and radio waves are certain sympathetic Archetypes and ‘can only be captured in instruments particular suitable for that purpose.’ If the instrument or in this case one changes the dial setting, the exact pattern is no longer captured, although another energy patter or station will be captured. Every form of life and energy in nature comes from an Archetype.
The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster mentions that Archetypal energy fields were called, Ever Flowing Fountains of Universal Good. Energy is everywhere and is released from Archetypes on a continuous basis.
Ancient philosophers have stated… what makes human beings so unique is that within us is ‘the sympathetic potential of ALL THINGS. We are capable of knowing all things, being all things and attuning to all things, because the roots and seeds of all things reside within us.’
We have the capabilities through interest and intent, to capture the Archetypal energies in which we are resonant, because we activate foci within ourselves corresponding to that Archetype.
A philosopher stated, “A person cannot energize an emotional power which is inconsistent with his own emotional process. If one hates, he cannot participate in the Archetype of Love. The energy of love is all around and never stops, but the person cannot capture it if closed to it. Love, cannot be caught by the archetype of hate, it may permeate the individual, it may penetrate the individual, but not find a responsive chord within the person.”
For the Greeks, Aesculapius is the Archetype of the Perfect Physician Healer.
To become aligned with Archetype the old formula was, ‘Absolute Sincerity, Simple Honesty, Intuitive Integrity and Instinctive Ability.’ When anyone acts in their personality in accordance with this formula there is a release of power and energy from the Archetype that is desired.
In every profession there would be the perfect Archetype. For an artist, scientist, musician or any field, “a person’s ultimate genius lies in their adjustment and calling forth to themselves the Archetype of their subject.” “The great artist is one who has become one with the archetype of universal beauty, harmony and rhythm.” The energies that come from Archetype develop and sustain the character and characteristics of ‘those who serve them.’
A wise philosopher stated, “We exist in a material universe supported upon a magnificent framework of universal principles manifesting as radiant blossoms or Archetypes.”
Finally, to sum up this post and several of my previous posts…there is the perfect Archetype of your own self. If you read my previous post regarding thoughts on healing, we mentioned that we take individuals back to the time when they were sparked into existence in perfection. According to the Doctrine of Emanations, a philosophy held by some ancient philosophers, from the original Archetype there is succeeding copies made, from copies, and so forth from the original. If you think of this analogy and realize that slight imperfections become magnified as a copy is made from a copy until corrected it may become clearer what might be taking place here on the earth plane.
Every so often, examples are provided by the Creator, entities that correct their copy and become nearer their own perfect Archetype, to help us understand the possibilities for us to mirror and then become our own Greater Self. This is why I mentioned earlier that when you have someone you admire, and you look to emulate their joyful, beautiful and loving example, it actually will bring you to a closer understanding of what more YOU can attain. It is possible within one living to reach and be an exact copy of your true Archetype.
Just some thoughts to ponder.
Blessing to those who read these words and may the highest and best manifest on your continuing journey to your own personal Archetype.
With love, in love and through love.