All that is needed is that an individual wants to get well and there is someone who is willing to take the time to help him get well. That is all that is Really required from our earth side.
Anybody who is motivated to do this sort of thing can do it! The only secret, which is not much of a secret, is your desire to see the other person well. When you have then attuned yourself to that individual and applied yourself to their physical condition, you help in manifesting that into the awareness of the individual that, the desired result can take place!
Through this resonance between the healer and the receiver you provide an individual’s system with the capability of satisfying and manifesting the idea.
If an individual places themselves in a situation to be healed but doesn’t truly desire or believe that it is possible, they create the antithesis of the desire of the healer and shut down the healing stream activity of the universe.
You can heal just as well holding the hand of an individual and placing your hand on their shoulder while you consciously manifest the consideration that you wish him to be healed. You might hear within yourself, “it is done.” This would be a perception coming from your Higher Self and the other person’s Higher Self.
The thing that makes a good healer is Universal Love and an understanding that you do not do it yourself. You are only a conduit for it and the support and love will come from spiritual sources when necessary. I of course recognize the love, assistance, support and energy coming from spirit sources.
If you would have the consideration that the human being is an energy transducer and you can attune to the energy of another individual, you can help someone get over the hump and get well. We are sharing the profound possibilities of individuals placing themselves as conduits to channel LOVE to another person in need.
Within each of us is our own inner physician. For some it is a challenge to reach and activate this aspect within ourselves. Although I have shared regarding helping and supporting another person, the highest goal is to activate that inner healer within the person in need. It is that inner healer in the other individual that does the healing and has been activated through energy and love.
ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE AND ALL HEALING CHALLENGES CAN BE RECTIFIED. So it has been throughout time and throughout the world.
With love, in love and through love.