I am often asked what my opinion is concerning various authors and their books, different groups, systems and techniques that appear in the field of esoteric philosophy. Of course I am honored that someone would ask my opinion, but I know that one of the most important lessons in this schoolroom of earth has to do with our learning discernment.
My opinions are based on personal experience in which I follow the old adage, “Best not judge an individual until you have walked a moon or two in that individuals moccasins.”
When I am assessing an author, I like to look at how their life is progressing after they have written their book. Is the author able to live the philosophy that they are espousing to others? I also am interested in observing individuals who are students or followers of the author. Have these people been able to achieve the state of enlightenment, new abilities or had significant changes in their lives that the author has stated would happen?
I hear many new authors making claims that they have the secret, the code, the direct ‘scoop’ from the ascended masters. What I have not found is the readers, followers or students achieving what has been written by that author. Of course this is only my observation and does not include every single author and new system that has surfaced lately.
If you are wondering whether some system, philosophy or course is true and whether you are ready to be receiving the highest aspects of the ancient mystery teachings, you might ask yourself the following questions:
“Am I living the sort of life that would permit me to receive real truth into my soul?
Am I unselfish, open, obedient, humble and consecrated?
Have I developed my mind so that it can think?
“Have I opened my heart so that it can feel? If I have not, then the thing which I have received is distorted by the glass through which it shines, and all I can give the world is a distorted image, a dishonest representation of truth.”
Have I actually consecrated my life and all that I am, unselfishly and without reservation, or am I only an intellectual dabbler?
Am I a success or a failure in life?
Am I surrounded by friends or by enemies of my own making?
Am I respected by my community?
Do I allow other people to live their own lives, or am I trying to force my beliefs upon all with whom I come in contact?”
I didn’t come up with these questions. These and other questions along similar lines are part of a self-assessment that has been used for thousands of years before my post.
Questions like these are asked of aspirants, through their own Inner Guidance, before they are entrusted with higher knowledge that was shared in what was called the ancient mystery schools. Only you the seeker can honestly answer these questions.
It is not too hard to understand the basis for these type of questions. "A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit.” A perverted mind is not the channel for the transmission of wisdom following the axiom that, ‘like begets like.’ The eccentric individual thinks eccentric thoughts, while the same mind views all things sanely.
In my 45 plus years of studying I have heard many individuals telling me how they had the ‘secret of the ages,’ or that they had the answer to all the health problems that befall people. I’ve heard individuals share that they had the magic elixir or that they were in touch with alien races that were here to save humankind. Now all of that is possible, but not through the people that I met.
If someone is selling you the ‘farm’ ask yourself if they themselves own the goods. Are they bouncing off the walls as they speak to you about how they are operating from their higher self? Do they appear to be healthy and following their own guidance in which they are promising total health?
I don’t believe that this is too hard to discern when one is being objective in their observation.
The higher teachings are about balance and the spiritual precepts are reasonable in the highest sense of the word. The higher regimes are about developing more enlightened men and women on the earth plane. There is an Ancient Wisdom that is the spiritual side of all the religions. It is ‘the one spirit that speaks through all tongues.’
“The Ancient Wisdom knows neither heathen, nor Christian, nor pagan. It recognized only many branches on one tree, each branch in itself incomplete but each a part of the Tree of Faith. The Tree asks nothing of the branches other than that they shall be true to the Tree and bear true witness of the life coursing through the Tree. The Ancient Wisdom is the life coursing in the Tree of Faith.”
Although the outer structures which served to house the Ancient Wisdom, might seem old, dilapidated and empty, the inner teachings are still alive, vibrant and true.
How does one know if they are in the presence of someone who has the higher truths that they are claiming? The answer is, “By their works shall ye know them.” Not by their written words but through their presence and by their actions.
Have a wonderful day with love, in love and through love.