The ancient teachers believed that to understand something, one needed to experience it in its totality. In order to understand something, it must be placed correctly within its complete pattern. For the old philosophers, no item or phenomena could be examined separately or there would be no understanding of its place in the whole. They could through deeper intuition sense the energy of each element without separating it.
If you separate cells and analyze them, you will find no life, because in the process of separating them, you have begun the process of ending their life. Cutting off members, one by one; the arms, legs and head, you will find only the end of the energetic life flow.
In the old philosophies, the only way to find truth was by putting things together. Every separation is a destruction of unity, every destruction of unity begins a foundation of error.
The more parts we accept, the further we are from truth. Uniting is more important than specializing and dividing.
We lose the ability to understand the deeper aspects of human society when we separate the human race and we specialize through territories, language, religions and race. We learn more about who we are when we annihilate intervals. We can never understand the existence of any single piece until we recognize the place of that piece within the total pattern of existence.
Today, when an individual comes to a health practitioner complaining of a particular problem, is the problem residing only within the given spot where pain or discomfort is felt? Does a health practitioner look deeper than just the reading and analyzing of numbers, in order to discover a deeper cause than might be present? An audit by the IRS; a sudden breakdown of a relationship, a loss of employment, a loss of a loved one or pet, can be a primary factor in an individual’s difficulty. Determining whether these other conditions are present, is placing the individual in more of a complete pattern, where we now have a better understanding of the situation.
The individual who is desiring a fuller expression in their spiritual, psychic and physical life must recognize the value of seeing the world as a unity. When you come to the realization that all things have their place; and all seemingly individual parts follow a pattern and design; when you see that the individual parts are held together through rhythms and vibrations, but they are all a part of a whole, then you will truly hear and have a better appreciation for the symphony of life.
People live two lives. One is a physical life that stretches from birth until death. We measure this life by years and for many it is a life of surviving on this planet. We have another life that takes place simultaneously and this second life is one of realization. In this second life, which is considered the philosophical life, ‘it stretches from realization to infinity.” It is the realization that you have a foundation that is immortal and doesn’t pass away.
Having once aligned yourself with this Immortal Self, you begin erecting ‘a civilization which will endure after the sun, the moon, and the stars have ceased to be.’ The old philosophers said, ‘the fool lives for today, the philosopher lives forever.’
What this means is that the philosopher understands that the physical self is not his authentic or true Self. When Socrates uttered the words, “Anytus and Melitus may indeed put me to death, but they cannot injury me,” he was referring to his Spiritual Self that could not die.
This post is about recognizing that we are more than we assume, or it appears, when looking at our physical body. We have an invisible side or Immortal Self that is as vast as ‘our comprehension and as measureless as our thoughts.’
In every person the two spheres are connected by a gate. ‘In the mystic, the gate between the two spheres is the heart, and through spiritualization of our emotions’ we can make the contact from our physical being to our Immortal Self and reach this more elevated sphere. Once you experience this aspect of your Self, you understand that there is more taking place within your existence than you ever imagined.
As one philosopher stated, “The soul of people has not been deprived of its wings; they are merely folded under its garment of flesh.”
To inspire and empower with love, in love and through love.