Germs are created by human beings. Bacterial organisms, viruses and other micro-forms of life are all created by us. Historical observations have shown that epidemical outbreaks of disease always parallel or follow epidemical outbreaks of human intensity upon the planet.
By polluting the psychic fields of the earth, we are destroying our own power to live in a healthy manner.
We are being polluted by psychic smog. The discharge of negative emotional units of energy is producing a common toxin in our fields. Even those people who do not normally have an inclination to hate are finding that the substance that they would normally have derived nutrition from, in the higher energy fields, is becoming corrupted.
Only when people are thoughtful of the world will the world protect them. “Only when people labor for the common good, will common good labor for them.” There is more than just the physical reality that you see…there are fields and fields of energies that sustain the earth and our compound constitution.
Our compound constitution includes more that is invisible than that which is visible as the human body and physical world. A partnership must be set up between humans and nature and between the visible and invisible spheres.
Hate and anger being projected from a person as a vibratory rate becomes a complex entity as a fixation or neurosis. This actual created entity around you gradually becomes strengthened and continues to grow upon hate. Every exhibition of hate, every impulse, every thought nourishes this entity around you as well as around others sending out the same vibration.
This created entity radiates its own force back to the individual who created and sustains it as a form of chemical hate and it destroys the harmony and balance and functions of the body. Yes, we have created the germs and viruses that are present. Sometimes referred to as elementaries of thought, these creations have only one motive, the emotion that created them.
“Things survive only on nutrition suitable to itself. Evil cannot survive on good, happiness cannot survive if fed misery continuously. Misery cannot survive on happiness.” All complexes and fixations must be nourished. If you stop nourishment they are destroyed. One knows when they are kind or unkind, selfish or unselfish. Almost every ailment conceivable to humans is already in them at all times. While balance is maintained in one’s health, the negative circumstances do not accomplish any evil or ill.
“Peoples sickness arises when they fall out of balance and the harmonic relation between energy centers are destroyed or disrupted. “The theory of therapy is to keep the human mechanism in equilibrium. Maintain constant motion of energies to prevent obstruction of these energies.”
“Disease and obstruction move together. The problem is to keep the human organism constantly open and freely moving.”
Mental blocks by attitudes closes the mental fields, emotional blocks locks the emotional fields. All tension is essentially bad. There is no such thing as righteous indignation. You might be right, but your body doesn’t realize that fact. There is no such thing as ‘justifiable hate.’ You get upset, your body reacts as if you’ve set off a nuclear explosion in the gut, heart and mind. Every negative thought is setting up a private smog problem which ‘will pollute every bit of the respiration process of the body, loading it with toxins.’
I am aware that people are disturbed over things taking place in the world. You have a choice in how you will address it and how you will react to it. A knee jerk reaction just might be the most destructive approach. Perhaps if we showered certain activities with so much love that it would be impossible for the activity to operate in any other manner but with love, might be an approach.
Problem is that people don’t believe that this is possible in today’s world. Prayer should not be to change or maneuver something that is taking place. One’s prayer should be that the highest and best manifest for the benefit of all people. You see, if you pray just for yourself, and everyone else is praying just for themselves, what would be the result?
I don’t have much more to share in this forum and perhaps people are becoming tired of my philosophical approach of reiterating some of the philosophy of the past. Please take the time to really read our words today. You don’t really stop anger with more anger.
With love, in love and through love to you while asking that the highest and best manifest for each who read these lines.