In olden times, some philosophers put forth the concept, that evil could not possibly exist within the universe, because it would have to have come from a God, who is defined as All Good. How could Evil come out of the source of All Good?
In order to validate their theory they put forth the following thoughts…
Things that are always alike apparently change their qualities by their relationships. In other words, as one of the old philosophers noted from a pond outside his house, it would be frozen at one time of the year and at another time of the year the water would become extremely hot. The philosopher wondered, if the substance of the earth did not change and the substance of the sun did not change, what caused the change in seasons and the change in temperature of the pond?
He finally concluded almost 600 years ago, that at the spot of the pond, the angle of the sun had changed in relationship to the earth. There was not a change in the substance of either the sun or earth but a change in their relationship or orbits.
Carrying this concept further in other areas, many of the old alchemical philosophers noted that out of motions and mutations of bodies, patterns are formed, resulting in chemical compounds which appear balanced or unbalanced at different times and under different relationships.
The alchemical philosophers believed that all mutations of energy are due to relationships and not due to an actual alteration of the energy in itself. This was the reason that some of the ‘old timers’ denied the existence of a strictly negative energy or a real or factual evil. They did not believe that a purely evil or destructive energy was part of an original creation.
Certain mutations or relationships between energy foci were benevolent to one thing and not benevolent to another. No energy is equally benevolent to all things at all times. If we have a depletion of energy, it may appear to afflict or burden a creature because it does not meet the immediate requirements of a particular organism.
People, together with all other living things, are bound to the total universe by energy correspondences. “Everything that lives from a tiny organism in a drop of water, a tree, huge animal or a small herb, are all focal points of universal life energy.”
The old alchemical physicians believed that is the duty of “a physician to examine the celestial constellations of the sky, the terrestrial constellations of earth and the physiological constellations within people.” Heaven is inverted itself upon the earth. For every star in the sky there is a flower in the meadow.
Every ray out in space forms a relationship and integration in every level of structure in mineral, vegetative, animal and humans. Although it might appear to you that you are deriving your total life energy from only the earth, all bodies on this planet have their roots in the atmosphere or space. The real nutrition for all of your various subtle bodies is coming from an invisible field of substances, from outside of our planet.
The uniqueness of human beings is that within them are poles capable of attracting countless forms of energy. Because of this, people are capable of aligning to all things necessary for their survival. The seeds of all energies outside of human beings is also within them.
People will respond only to such energies as they can capture and hold by those polarities which have been strengthened and developed by awareness, skill and thoughtfulness within their own being.
I realize I have digressed somewhat from the original aspect of negative energies. As creators, people have the ability to thought-form and create what they can imagine. Through the constant reinforcement of energy into particular concepts, the concepts begin to solidify and take on a life of their own. The more energy that is pumped in, the more solid becomes the idea upon the earth plane. This can be a concept of evil or as some believe, we have created germs and viruses.
All things in the world have a purpose. What is positive and beneficial energy to one substance can be a poison to another substance. When an individual truly becomes good and pure having established within their own consciousness, ways of wisdom, suitable and positive energies flow to him. Good resolutions are immediately strengthened and a consecrated mind experiences new vitality.
The great magician is the master of energy. A person who creates suitable instruments of expression through their Will regenerates their disposition, character and temperament. When one becomes more aligned to those energies of a positive nature, they overcome bad habits, negative attitudes and false beliefs, which up to that time have been drawing energies of a less than positive nature.
Each constructive thought brings more life energy to one’s thinking. “Behest you angels, and angels you will get. Behest you devils, and those less than positive vibrations will be present.
Just some thoughts to ponder. With love, in love and through love to you.