Now many make the mistake thinking that first they will change the world and then the rest will fall into place, and somehow their personality will get the message. That is not how it works. First you must begin within your own consciousness, your own Being, lifting it up into the light.
You are here to move through old attachments, your own karmic balancing. You are living to allow your ego to find its peace as you reach for Higher Frequencies, and as you do that will balance out more activities in the physical weaknesses in your body.
Through your life you are smoothing out the rough edges, as you are maneuvering around the big rocks, jutting in your path.
Say, ‘I am letting go of the old me, I am no longer going to allow myself to think about what was, whether it was 5 minutes ago or a year ago. I am becoming a different person.” Become aware and sense a clear flowing power of love, of light coming into you.
Don’t allow your mind to doubt and the insecurities and fears to be so powerful in your Being. Instead say, “The Light of my Being is stronger, the Love that I have first for myself, the World, for God, is more. What did you feel when I mentioned love for yourself first?
Start every day telling yourself, “I am a perfect Being,” and just become more of it every day. Just relax and be more playful, more LEFL. The more you can accept and relax, the more that you will expand. If you are struggling too hard, it does not work that way, it becomes interference, a block of energy. Because if you are trying too hard, what are you really saying to the Universe? That I doubt I can do it.
Allow your Higher Self to guide you. Let go and say, ‘Que Sera Sera, whatever is going to be is going to be,’ then the journey becomes easier, more fun and you will begin accept the beauty of the moment, not judging what it is or what it is not. Remember, you have set up your own life through your choices.
With love, in love and through love.