In 1978, about ten years before they would be published, I received the unpublished Quimby Manuscripts from Errol Colie. Within Quimby’s writings he described one of the early events in his life that led him to understand the dynamics of belief.
Quimby mentions that medical doctors told him that he had a bad case of consumption and he would be dying in a very short time. Quimby believed this to be true because he kept getting weaker and weaker as the doctors told him would happen and he believed his life would end at any moment.
Based on the belief he would die soon, Quimby decided to take his horse and carriage up to a little knoll overlooking his town and look at the scenery one last time. After a few hours on the knoll, he barely made it back to his carriage and was beginning to climb on board. Just as he brushed against the carriage, his horse got spooked and begun to run. Quimby was not on board but had a part of his overcoat stuck to the carriage.
Quimby could not stop his horse and because he was attached to the carriage he had to run while attached for several miles back to his town. Remarkably, instead of feeling worse, Quimby felt better and more alive than he had since he was first diagnosed. He had been told that he could never do anything that required deep breathing or it would kill him.
From this event, Quimby changed his attitude regarding his condition and he no longer believed what the doctors told him. On a following visit to his doctor, he was declared well. Soon after this event, hypnosis became the rage, and as I explained on my previous post, Quimby began developing his healing system. It became clear to him after thousands of experiments that an individual’s belief system was a large contributor to their health and well-being.
In the 1840s more and more books came out discussing systems of hypnosis. In all of the books it was believed that no one could be hypnotized during an electrical storm because there was an electrical fluid that was involved in the process of hypnosis. Quimby also had this belief because that is what he read. One day, during a very successful demonstration he conducted with Lucius, Quimby was so engrossed in what he was doing in the hall, he hadn’t realized there was an electrical storm taking place outside.
Quimby began to realize that everyone who was involved with hypnosis believed the same thing and therefore the results were what everyone expected. Everyone up to his time and tried and failed to successful conduct hypnosis during a storm. Once it was learned that Quimby could do it then many other hypnotists could do it. From this event Quimby decided he would not accept what other people believed unless he found it personally to be true.
This concept of a group belief effecting many people is not so strange when you consider what took placed in the 1950s. The belief was that no track and field runner could run a sub four-minute mile. Some people believed that the joints of the body couldn’t handle it. The well-conditioned athletes could not break this barrier. Once Roger Bannister, who was not the best athlete during that period, broke four minutes for the mile, more than six other runners were able to accomplish the feat within two months. Why couldn’t they do it previously?
I feel we should not overlook, what I shared in my previous post, how eventually Quimby only work hypnotically with Lucius through thought commands. Lucius would act upon Quimby’s thought immediately. When I was younger there was a hypnotist performing around the Los Angeles area called Pat Collins, the Hip Hypnotist. She would bring people up on stage, hypnotize the participants and have them acting like animals or becoming stiff as a board. She vocally gave commands, of course, because it was a show, but she did speak to the people.
When we speak about thought being like the aroma of a rose and that you can smell it but not see it there is an important point here. Thoughts from others, both deliberate and non-intentional, permeate our being. Two reasons why we are not continuously moved by other’s thoughts are that we have our own thoughts going on, and when we are involved and focused on what we are doing these thoughts are not strong enough to influence us at the moment. However, if someone begins to think about something, and there are thoughts along that same line surrounding the person, then you can see how the thought is intensified within a person without them knowing they are receiving influences from other sources.
Quimby also mentioned in 1850 that all disease and illnesses have a particular odor. I have read several references that there are dogs that are able to smell whether someone has cancer in their body.
We have two interesting concepts involved with our sharing this information regarding Quimby. One point has to do with how are own personal belief system affects our body and the second is that we are influenced by thoughts from outside our physical body. When people questioned Quimby on how it was possible that a young child could get sick from their thoughts if the child was very young, Quimby explained it by saying the child’s though field was permeated from the thoughts of the adults around him.
There are several incidents written up in medical journals regarding pregnant women who were frightened by something they saw and their baby was born with a symbol or natural tattoo upon the child’s body. The mother’s belief was all that was involved as there was no physical contact. A report in the medical journals from England discussed a woman, who was so afraid of catching a health problem that was circulating in her city that locked herself in her house and made sure there was no physical contact with anything outside her home. While looking out her window and seeing someone pass by who had the disease on her face, the woman in the house manifested the disease within her own body.
What are some conclusions regarding Quimby’s ideas? Quimby taught himself, or should I say, opened up an aspect within himself, in which he could tell a patient exactly when and how they picked up their belief that had created and was sustaining their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body dis-ease. So, If I was Quimby and you came to me our visit would go like this…Steve, I am wondering if you could help me with my problem…I would interrupt you and say, please don’t tell me your problem. I will tell you exactly what you are feeling, how it has progressed and where and when it became your belief system. I would then say to you, If I tell you all of this will you believe that I know all about you and your problem?
Most likely you would say yes because you had to explain to your medical doctor what you were feeling yet I told you everything without you telling me a word about it. I would then talk and reason with you, like a lawyer challenging a witness, until you found that what you believed was only a lie.
On one of my previous posts, Tumors Melt Like Snowballs, Mr. Wright shrunk his tumors, grew his tumors, shrunk his tumors and grew tumors the size or oranges in less than two days each time. This was accomplished through his belief system. Someone responded on my previous Quimby post regarding all of the pharmaceutical advertising and how it could affect us. Hopefully you can see how people are affected. One commercial might say, ‘if you sneeze twice in a two hour period it means you have the what-it-is disease. If the commercial goes on to explain the symptoms, some people will begin to manifest the symptoms. There is programming taking place.
Once again I have written a long post. I hope this post has stimulated your thoughts regarding belief and the effects of thought. Obviously there is more to Quimby then I have written in two posts. I will write more in the future, as I have in the past, regarding thoughts, beliefs and how we influence each other as well as our outer world.
May your journey be blessed with laughter, wonderful excitement, fun and with love, in love and through love.