There are internal constellations within the microcosm of humans that is a reflection of the macrocosm of the universe. There are constellations in the brain, solar systems in the heart and planets everywhere.
Humans are filled with stars spinning with the light of space, and by virtue of these internal stars, human beings are bound to the majesty of the cosmos.
Nothing is hidden in nature that the human mind cannot ultimately discover. There is nothing abiding in the farthermost part of space that human consciousness cannot search out and finally understand. That consciousness within you, that seeks wisdom, is capable of leaving the physical body and reaching and understanding that which it seeks.
There is a star in people for every star in the skies. Therefore people can find in the universe, a like star within themselves, because the star is located within their own soul. You might say, electrons are tiny stars, stars are vast electrons. Every cell is a solar system, every solar system is a great cell.
There is no understanding between dissimilars. A person can understand that which they themselves are, and because all things exist within individuals, they are ultimately able to understand all things. This was a great mystery that was taught.
Metals of the earth gather up rays of the stars, in this way binding parts of the cosmos into one vast electric and magnetic structure. A meadow filled with flowers reflects the starry heavens.
The organs of people’s body are tiny universes. There are worlds very tiny within us, yet these worlds, like our own, are sustaining in themselves orders of living creatures, evolving and unfolding their universal potentials. They are bound to our bodies as we are bound to the cosmos. To kingdoms beneath their feet, to the orders of living things less than ourselves, individuals are god or devil.
There are 7 planetary polarities in the brain. The sympathies which exist between the brain poles and the planets in the heaves determine the human aptitude to excel in various branches of knowledge.
Humans are bound to their world by a sympathy of similarity. Although the human body is less than the world in magnitude, it is like the world in arrangement of its parts. The body is a ‘mirror of the universe.’
It was Alexander Pope who stated, “The proper study for mankind, is man.” Socrates said, “Man, know thyself.” Of course I would state it today as, Men and Women know thyself and you will know all things.
There is no motion or structure in nature for which there is not a polarity in the human being.
Into ourselves we receive the powers of the great gods whose symbols are the stars. From ourselves we emanate the powers given to us through our thought, emotion and actions.
In all departments of life, humans reveal their potential identity with the gods. The powers we possess are divine, but how we use these powers can be dominated by the inadequacy of our personal understanding.
Just seeing a human body does not mean we’ve seen the person. We know more about the individual from the overtones of their character and understanding than by an analysis of their material structure.
No matter how strong or powerful a person becomes, they must keep the laws of the universe. No individual can break the laws of nature and flourish. As people became more critical and burdened with looking for the ‘how things work’, they began to lean heavily on man-made ways and thus broke faith with nature and broke faith with their health.
Disease or illness is irrefutable evidence of the breaking of nature’s laws. A person is primarily sickened by himself and not outward circumstances. With each individual is the ability to master any outside circumstance if they have the awareness. While pressures, circumstances and conditions surround us, it is the reactions within the individual that becomes the basis of a tragedy.
A term in Latin that would have been very descriptive of an important part of the teaching in ancient times is, “Nemo potest, qui sua pertinent ad aliud.” A loose translation would be, ‘Let no one who can be his own belong to another.’
Humans are the children of two sets of parents. One set is of the earth and the other is of Heaven. From the earth parents one receives the material body and from the Heavenly Parents, one receives their highest potential character.
In people there resides the ‘Young Heaven.’ That is to say all the planets are part of people’s structure and people are the children of the ‘Great Heaven,’ which is their parents. People are created from heaven and earth and are not separate from either.
Human beings need more than just common intelligence to know who they are. Only those who study themselves properly, know from where they came and who they truly are, and from this vantage point they give more profound attention to the eternal aspects within their own Being.
“How marvelously people are made and formed, if one penetrates into their true nature…and it is a great thing. People should study in three schools. An individual should send the elemental or material body to the elemental school. The sidereal or ethereal body to the ethereal school and the eternal or luminous body to the school of eternity."
"For three lights burn in each individual and accordingly three doctrines are prescribed to each person. Only all three together make a perfect human being. Although the first two lights shine dimly in comparison with the brilliant third light, they too are lights of the world, and people must walk their earthly path also in their radiance.”
The foregoing paragraphs are merely some thoughts to ponder. Nothing that I share should be understood as my presentation of ‘the one and only truth.’
Remain humble, quiet and in a ‘state’ of expectation, before that which you are desirous of learning from. Whether it is a plant or flower in the field, something in the mineral kingdom, an animal, person or even lines on a page, allow the inner luminescence of any of these things to permeate your Inner Being. You will then discover, on your own, that which is of the highest truth for you.
With love, in love and through love to you. Have a beautiful weekend.