I was entrusted with the Nemescope book many years ago. Over the years I waited for guidance regarding what might be the best manner to share the materials. At times I thought about putting together a book and selling the pictures and story of Dr. Elmer Nemes. That never felt right to me. As a care-taker, who did not build the scope or was party to their discoveries, I couldn’t do it. But two weeks ago when I decided to go on Facebook I received my answer.
Then I heard that these same structures are in everyone and everything, yet look at how unique each person is on the outside and how different their thoughts and feelings are. Unique… each is unique and is here to present something different to the world through their uniqueness.
I began thinking about my forty years of traveling the path of discovery and thanking the Creator for the magical life I’ve had. Those who know me understand what I am talking about. There is a simplicity to the world that goes with the complexity of what makes up our physical structures. I shared a dream I had, where I was told that another way to spiritual enlightenment was through, A Beautiful Heart and Open Mind and A Humble Spirit.
So, I thought I would write a book and put it on Kindle. But as I began to write I realized that I couldn’t fill a book when it is so simple. It is not about courses and seminars and endless words, often by speakers who don't live what they state. It is in the simplicity of living in a beautiful heart, being open to all things and humble observing the guidance that comes to you. Why would I try to make money over something that you already possess? I should just say it.
The great philosopher Paracelsus stated, it isn’t by magic formulas, gyrations, secret words or sounds to accomplish magical practices. The manner in which the Disciples did their healings and enlightened souls have achieved seemingly magical results is from the following: Imagination, Faith and Will.
So, I thought I would write a book on that. But why embellish something so short. It comes down to this for me. It all resides within you and me. The answer comes from within when we trust in ourselves and don’t attempt to follow someone else’s journey that takes us further away from whom we are and what we already possess.
There is a story about a person who grew up in Your City. The person awoke one day and wondered what the secret of life was. Why were they here? So they went to the local metaphysical bookstore and asked where they could find the answer to life. They were told to go to the East where the yogis knew it all, but they resided in the high mountains.
So the person left Your City and went to the mountains, climbed in the snow until the person passed out. Upon awakening, a collection of yogis asked the person, "Why are you here?"
The person said, "I have come to get enlightenment and discover what life is all about. Can you tell me?"
The Yogi’s said, "We don’t have your answer."
"Then where do I find the answer to what life is all about?"
The Yogis responded, "Where did you come from?"
"I came from My City."
The yogis said, "Then the answer is in Your City. The answer is always where you are."
I believe in you and I believe we must go back to simplicity of appreciating the giving and sharing of love, the beauty of nature and walking in integrity with each you meet.