Miracles are an Effect, the Cause of Which is Unknown
One of the ancient teachers said that “Nature is an orderly creature unfolding according to fixed laws and maintaining patterns and sequences of absolute expectancy.” This wise observer said that nature is seldom eccentric and seldom departs from her own rules.
The alchemists maintained that Nature does not work by miracles and neither do those things happening to people. Miracles are an effect, the cause of which is unknown at a particular moment, but the cause must be equal in every respect to the effect which it produces.
Behind all healing is an absolute pattern of cause and effect and disease is a cause producing an effect in the same manner that the disease was an effect from a specific cause.
The wise seekers of the past were determined to recognize the absolute patterns of Universal Principles and thereby they we able to produce remedies compounded specifically to address situations that could eventually result in detrimental effects.
When we begin to administer medicinal remedies according to natural laws and realize that there are seasons and times for all things then we will begin to have a better understanding of how to address our health difficulties. Perhaps we will understand in the future that even standard medications given at different times, not just once or twice per day, but at specific times according to planetary influences will have different effects.
Thousands of years ago there was a belief that a physician was a child of Nature and the task was to go where knowledge was and then to sit humbly in the presence of it. Whether it be a humble peasant passing along remedies from even more ancient times, sitting in a field of herbs, plants and flowers or being open to divine signs within Nature, the wise ones garnered wisdom from all sources.
A person who would study the great book of Nature must travel the pages with his feet. Those men and women of the past who accomplished great work were not afraid to change their entire philosophy the moment they found a truth that conflicted with their own opinion. Today, we seem to be changing truths to conform to our opinions.
Nature’s religion is sustained forever by, “law, order, beauty, rhythm, harmony and integration.” These can be recognized everywhere. When we get locked into some dogma then a limitation is formed and we begin to restrict our thoughts and mind and then our observation becomes clouded as we attempt to have visible facts conform to our opinions.
As we depart from facts we go into speculation, we restrict our observations even more and perform a kind of chemistry in the mind losing observation of what is actually taking place. As we begin to alter truths and facts we are like a branch cut from the life-sustaining energy of the trunk of a tree.
Eventually we lose ‘virtue, integrity, honor, intelligence and common sense.’ Yes, these attributes are all tied closely to truth. For whenever a person cuts themselves off from the source, they separate themselves from the common stream of moral life energy.
“We will never battle our way to security at the expense of nature.” Whenever we ravish nature, we begin our journey to our own destruction as we cut ourselves off from the creative and sustaining energies that sustain us in health and well-being.
As we achieve a high degree of actual wisdom, and not just opinions of ourselves and others, we will restore our natural born instincts and as “the instinct is purified, redeemed and finally perfected it becomes intuition.”
The macrocosm is the universe and a Great Being; the microcosm is human beings and the little universe. “Humans are a cosmic system, and within their natures miniature polarities exist for everything in the universe that exists outside and around them.” When we truly understand ourselves, we will understand the world.
We only view surfaces of things and all we know of the Cosmos is through some degree of quality of observation. Our faculty of physical perception cannot observe depths so we only learn “the trivia of the universe.” We are limited and do not see the causes which are not visible, apparent or available to our physical senses.
This is why the ancient teachers stated, “Man and Woman are the useful key to the study of all things other than themselves.”
“All knowledge of universals gives us skills in particulars and all contemplation of particulars gives us intuitive recognition of universals.” “In order to study the mysteries of space, we do not need to go out there; because there is no quality in space, in space, that is not in people.”
Human beings are “not separate, not superior, not fashioned apart but a part of Nature, an essential manifestation of the Universal, creative and generative process.”
“Following the Socratic idea, there are races living along the shores of air, as man lives along shores of the sea. There is no break in the chain of lives and inter-relationships. What we call a break is merely a limitation of human sensory perception.”
The earth supports many forms of life that we cannot see. They may inhabit and occupy the same location as ourselves, but we never know them. Life unfolds above human beings in orderly sequences of races, beings and creatures. But our sensory perceptions are unable to observer them.
Is it no wonder that the three great admonitions on the temple were, Know Thyself, Know Thyself and Know Thyself?
Through your stimulation and activation of the foci or polarities within you, that is of beauty, unconditional love, truth, joy, appreciation and reverence, you open yourself up to receive all of the total energies of these aspects that exist throughout the cosmos and other dimensions.
With love, in love and through love to you.