A book written some time ago shared an angelic communication regarding seeing through the veil into the world of spirit…
“A living sense of unity with nature must be reached, till you can see yourself in every tree, in every flower, in every blade of grass, in every passing cloud, and realize that the manifold diversities which compose a valley or a garden or a wide panorama of mountain, sea and sky, are but expressions of the One Self which is in you, of which you are a part, by means of which you can pierce the external veil of beauty till it can hide from you no longer the vision of the self.”
“In addition to a deeper appreciation of the beauty of Nature, there must be that reverence for all forms and moods, for all her manifold expression, which springs from a recognition of the presence of the Divine of which these forms, moods and beauties are outward expression.”
Thoreau said, “It is not what you look at, but what you see.”
A sacred scripture shared, “We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.”
When we think and act in beauty and truth, we become expressions of the harmonious forces that keep the universe in order.
Plato said, “The true order of going is to use the beauties of earth as steps along which one mounts upwards for the sake of that other beauty.”
The Walker of the Sky, “beholds things beyond the seas and stars; hears the language of the devas and comprehends it, and perceives what is passing in the mind of the ant.”
The All is in all, and all is in the All. Forged in thought it remains in thought. All is a part of the never ending song of the Creator. You are the Light that you seek. You are a child of the Light. You don’t find it, you are it.
As you allow the Greater Awareness that has been hidden from your view to resonate with the beauty and love that surrounds you, you will experience a new dimension of understanding. Let go and allow yourself to relax and trust that the Greater Awareness within you will melt the illusions that you have formed before your eyes. “It is not what you look at, but what you see.”
Just like Pegasus, you will fly,
Reaching heights within, an inner sky,
Traveling vast distance, while in starry flight,
You learn many lessons, during your night.
Listen closely, and have no fear,
Your own loving spirit friends, are always near,
Open your heart, so that your eyes will see clear,
Then all the manifestations of the Creator, you will hold as quite dear.
If you sit quietly in a meadow, relax and with a beautiful heart, an open mind and a humble spirit, you will open yourself up to how the little blossoms follow the motions of the planets. You will learn how some open their petals according to the phases of the moon, others to the cycle of the sun and others responding to even more distant planets.
Is it not a form of love that inspires the plants, flowers and herbs to come into resonance with the planets?
Service to others, rather than only to self,
Brings you a bounty, of spiritual wealth,
Giving of yourself, to offer a hand,
This you should do, as you cross over the land,
Keep your demeanor, on an even keel,
Though the wind blow contrary, to how you might feel,
The journey is really, the trials that you face,
The goal is not the arrival, at any particular place,
Life is the journey, so keep a good pace,
Don’t push or shove, as if in a race,
Keep true your heading, to experience all you can,
T’is the experience for the soul, this is the plan.
To inspire and empower. With love, in love and through love.