As I am hearing more and more people referring to what God has told them regarding their actions toward other people and groups, I am wondering what God they are speaking about?
Is it the God of Creation that manifested the reality that we exist within or is it their personal ego that has risen to a place that usurps anything beyond itself?
What is it about human beings that find it easier to talk and pontificate as opposed to walking and acting what they espouse?
On Sunday individuals believe that singing psalms, listening to holy words and displaying ornaments around their neck makes them ‘religious’ and in tune with Jesus and God. It is far easier to talk the talk then walk the walk. Why? Because walking the walk might have us going against some ingrained belief that we foster regarding what God really believes.
It seems in our time people know what the Creator believes yet they can’t even tell you why they do the things they do. The people of judgement are quick to point out how someone else is not following the ‘Word’ of God yet they overlook the multitude of their actions which are in direct opposition of the “Words” which they hear every Sunday or read daily in “The Book.”
Instead of worrying about money, relationships and how other people live their life, perhaps we should give some attention to what our own destiny might be and why we are here on earth. The three aspects I just mentioned are not ‘things’ that one will carry after their death upon this plane.
Religion and philosophy have become just words and not a way of life. When Jesus sent out the disciples to heal, after a time they came back to him unable to heal an individual. What had happened was that they were just speaking words without understanding and having the true power behind the words.
Love is love is love is love. If one claims that they are a part of the religion of love then walking the talk means loving without ceasing and without judgement. You don’t just cherry pick when you want to do it and to whom, otherwise you really didn’t get the memo of what it is about.
Watching what is taking place with the so-called religious-right, I’ve often asked, if your Revelator came back today and was voting, who would He vote for? More social oriented issues or every person for themselves and let’s gather as much money as possible for ourselves even at the expense of another?
Our attention continues to be outward rather than looking at ourselves and what is inside. We continue to listen to individuals in the street, in the pulpits or at the head of various organizations that can’t seem to walk the talk that they claim comes from a Higher Source.
The Higher Source is within YOU and me. We have a part of the Light of our Parents that should be the highest Master, Guru and Teacher that we follow.
A Beautiful Heart, and Open Mind and a Humble Spirit will serve you just as well as sitting and listening to someone because you have a fear that this person, this place or this religion is your only means of salvation or being aligned with God. You don’t need to find a place to be aligned with God the Creator, you are a part of God the Creator. What you seek is not outside but inside.
The more you walk the talk of love, peace, non-judgement, helping your neighbor and not just your relatives, respecting nature and all life, speaking the truth and loving the blessing of life you’ve been given, the more you will become that very thing that you seek. What is that? To be with your Mother-Father Creator.
If one really believes that speaking and talking these things rather than walking them is going to fool the Spiritual Realm, then they are truly deluded. You don’t do anything that is hidden from view.
I am sharing this today because of my feeling that we are giving too much of our power away to others. Because people label themselves as spiritual, metaphysical or master teachers does not mean they are anything more than ego-driven and their words come from their own delusions. TRUST YOURSELF.
You don’t need intermediaries to reach higher states or higher awareness. You possess these states NOW. An old yogic story says that we each have an inner light that is covered by many sheaths that we don’t see at first. As we go through various life experiences we remove coverings until we sense, feel and see a little light. More experiences, which is why we are here, and more sheaths are removed until the light within blazes forth.
We are not looking to avoid life or our experiences but we should understand them in the context of what they might be teaching us about ourselves.
In love, with love and through love.