This book discussed a wide variety of abilities that included clairvoyance, clairaudience, instantaneous and distant healing, bi-location, control of bodily actions and many other seemingly impossible abilities that are a part of our human potential. Within 24 hours of reading each of the different abilities, I had the direct physical experience of each one of them, without having done the years of regimes that were intimated.
I discovered that the various abilities could be experienced without following the years of training the book explained was necessary to reach the specific state of awareness that was needed to accomplish them.
It was interesting to learn that the people involved in all three of these examples used completely different notes to control the fire. Logically from our scientific viewpoint, there would not be the wide divergence of notes, generated by human beings, which would have the same effect on fire. Was it the notes, or was it their intent? Intent trumps systems.
In ancient times, there are writings describing a group of people who had strong abilities to influence material objects. They had a curved stick that they would throw at their enemies. As they launched the sticks they would shout, Jehovah, strengthen my arm! The sticks would not need to strike their enemies, just coming near the body of another individual, the shock waves off the stick would knock their enemies to the ground.
For the last several months I have been posting information regarding medical techniques, spiritual philosophies, human potential, alchemical wisdom and a diversity of topics in order to inspire you to an understanding of your possibilities and potential. I have mentioned that the actions and results obtained through the use of electromagnetic devices could also be accomplished through our human consciousness and physical bodies
P.P. Quimby, in the middle 1800s, took up animal magnetism and hypnosis. With his subject Lucius, they were able to demonstrate incredible capabilities while an individual is under hypnosis. All of the writers on the topic that Quimby had studied stated that no one could be hypnotized during an electrical storm. The belief was that hypnosis and animal magnetism were working on electrical fields and fluids within the body and electrical storms had too much of an influence on the body to allow a subject to go into a trance state. Several times Quimby attempted to hypnotize Lucius during storms and he was never successful.
One day, while being completely engrossed in an exhibition in a well enclosed hall, Quimby did not realize that outside the hall an electrical storm was taking place. Quimby and Lucius had experienced one of their best exhibitions of hypnosis. Quimby realized that it was his belief system that had stopped his successful hypnosis of Lucius, after that time, Quimby never had a problem in future exhibitions during electrical storms. Once Quimby’s success was made known, no other hypnotist had a difficulty with their subjects during electrical storms.
I could go on and on sharing examples of beliefs that aren’t true in all circumstances. Relative truths are believed and experienced due to an individual’s own personal beliefs, or from their belief regarding someone else’s experiences. But, is it possible that we can experience even greater potentials, if we allowed ourselves to conceive of our having even greater abilities and carried the concept that all things are possible? We are only limited by the boundaries we have created through our belief.
I began my post by sharing a personal experience that convinced me that all things are possible for you and me. I do mean all things. My belief is that we don’t need elaborate systems and we don’t need gurus. We can have people we admire and people we respect, but when you place your belief totally in the sphere of another individual’s accomplishments, then you might run the risk of limiting your own self and your own ultimate potential. You can accomplish all things through your beautiful heart, your open mind and being humble in your spirit.
There is only the eternal NOW. There is only this instant. You are a creator. We are in the likeness of the Creator, in that, we are also creators. We incarnate in each living to demonstrate how we will use the creative energies that we are endowed with, at the time of our creation. Imagine what you want to achieve; know that you are a creator and endowed with the ability to manifest that which you choose; keep your Will strong and KNOW, that which you choose to manifest, is going to manifest, and it is GOOD!
To inspire and empower. With love, in love and through love.
#Belief #HumanPotential