The old philosophers believed that there were two ways to acquire knowledge. Either through intuition or experience.
They believed that Intuition reveals things to us while experience tests us and provides impulses and urging for our further development.
Although we are aware when intuition comes to us, it is difficult to explain what its mechanism and substance is.
Some old teachers used an analogy of Light to explain the substance or essence of intuition. They explained that there are two kinds of light; a visible radiance that we call brightness and an invisible light we call darkness. The belief was that darkness and light were fundamentally the same substance but different in degrees.
Light is a twofold being in that it contains quality and substance. In thinking of the term darkness let’s use the term invisible as far as this explanation is concerned. The dark light or invisible aspect of visible light is luminous to the soul and dark to our body. The visible physical radiance is bright to our senses and dark to the soul.
The light we see contains energy that is necessary to support all the visible things we see. The invisible aspect of light supports the invisible power and functions of humans including intuition. We might say that intuition is the capability of becoming attuned to the inside of light. Now I don’t want this to become too complicated so let’s say that visible light is responsible for health and the invisible aspects contained within visible light causes wisdom.
“The light of:
Body – Gives strength, energy, growth and development.
Soul – Gives understanding
Mind – Gives wisdom
Spirit – Bestows truth.” Now all of these aspects need nourishment which is contained within light.
The total burden of all energy that is needed is contained within every ray of visible light. When we look at something we see either its objective physical form or we can perceive its inner light. Everything that lives, lives in light. Everything that exists, radiates light. When we look upon something we can see the thing according to its outer characteristics or according to its inner nature. “The heart has eyes as well as the body. The mind has ears and all internal parts of people have equivalent senses of cognition.”
We see nature because of the light that shines upon it but we see the true life of nature because of the light that shines within it. “Through observation we behold things lighted, by intuition we behold things self-luminous.
Outwardly we see only the reflection of light upon objects and life forms because they have become visible to our sight, but intuitively we can behold the inner light of all things.
Through reflected light we see shape, color, number and arrangement. Through the inner light we can see goodness, beauty and integrity.
Continuing with the belief of some ancient teachers, the visible part of light is only a shadow or reflection of the invisible light which is truly the source of all life in the universe. The universe in its totality is suspended in an infinite spiritual life-light. All things exist within this light. There is a sea of eternal light which some called the Luminous Nature of God. Pythagoras stated, the body of God is composed of the substance of light.
Some teachers from the past taught that there are three suns within our solar system. One is the physical sun we see, a second is a sun in the astral/psychic plane and the third is a spiritual sun. These three suns bestow life to the worlds according to their own natures. The physical sun warms and reveals bodies; the psychic sun nourishes the soul and the spiritual or root sun nourishes and sustains the spirit of all things. The suns do not create the light but are the vehicles through which the light is projected.
The spiritual sun has to do with the divine nature of all things. The psychic or astral sun deals with ignorance and the physical sun dissipates the darkness we call crystallization.
Truth is a kind of light, when it shines another kind of darkness is dissipated. “Truth is to darkness of ignorance, what sun is to the darkness of night.”
Our earth and all its life forms exist within a field of light, even at night. This light is not affected by the alternation of day and night. The light from the psychic and spiritual suns never ceases. We are constantly surrounded and penetrated at all times by THE LIGHT. We can never be further from or nearer to any essential principle that is necessary for our survival. Like fish in water, we are not necessarily aware of what sustains our existence.
There is spiritual light, emotional light, mental light, vital light and physical light. Energies and awareness are conveyed to each of these aspects from the light of the sun in which level or plane they are operating within.
“And God said, Let there be light; and there was light.”
May the light from your inner beauty, love, harmony and truth shine outward and illuminate your every step!
With love, in love and through love to you.